
English Chinese (Simplified)
WARNING: In last hour Poller[%d] run time %d times reached more than %d % of time limit
Cacti System Notification Cacti 系统工具
NOTE: A second Cacti data collector has been added. Therefore, enabling boost automatically! 注意:已添加第二个仙人掌数据收集器。因此,自动启用增强功能!
WARNING: Main Cacti database %s offline or in recovery 警告:主 Cacti 数据库离线或正在恢复
Cacti Primary Admin Cacti 主要管理员
Cacti Automation Report requires an html based Email client Cacti Automation Report需要一个基于html的电子邮件客户端
WARNING: Detected Poller Boost Overrun, Possible Boost Poller Crash 警告:检测到 Poller Boost Overrun,可能 Boost Poller 崩溃
Full Sync 完全同步
New/Idle 新/空闲
Use Cacti Log Level 基本日志级别
Data Collector Information 数据采集器信息
The primary name for this Data Collector. 此数据采集器的主名称.
New Data Collector 新的数据采集器
Data Collector Hostname 数据采集器的主机名
The hostname for Data Collector. It may have to be a Fully Qualified Domain name for the remote Pollers to contact it for activities such as re-indexing, Real-time graphing, etc. 数据采集器的主机名. 它可能必须是一个FQDN 域名,以便远程poller 与它通信,比如重新索引,实时制图等活动.
Custom Log Level 基本日志级别
In Cases where you need to perform debugging for a single Data Collector Only, you can change it's log level here.
TimeZone 时区
The TimeZone for the Data Collector. 数据采集器的时区.
Notes for this Data Collectors Database. 该数据采集器的数据库的备忘录.
Collection Settings 采集设置
Processes 进程
The number of Data Collector processes to use to spawn. 数据采集器的进程数.
The number of Spine Threads to use per Data Collector process. 每个数据采集器进程使用的Spine 线程数.
Sync Interval 同步周期
The polling sync interval in use. This setting will affect how often this poller is checked and updated. 当前的采集同步周期.此设置将影响此poller 的检查和更新频率.
Remote Database Connection 远程数据库连接
The hostname for the remote database server. 远程数据库服务器的主机名.
Remote Database Name 远程数据库名称
The name of the remote database. 远程数据库的名称.
Remote Database User 远程数据库用户


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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 4747