
English Chinese (Simplified)
Reapply Suggested Names for Graphs 重新向图形重新应用建议的命名
Click 'Continue' to apply Automation Rules to the following Graph. 点击 '继续' 以将自动化规则应用于以下图形.
Click 'Continue' to apply Automation Rules to the following Graphs. 点击 '继续' 以将自动化规则应用于以下图形.
Apply Automation Rules to Graph 应用自动化规则
Apply Automation Rules to Graphs 应用自动化规则
Click 'Continue' to Create an Aggregate Graph from the selected Graph. 点击 '继续',从选定的图形创建一个聚合图形.
Click 'Continue' to Create an Aggregate Graph from the selected Graphs. 点击 '继续',从选定的图形创建一个聚合图形.
The following Data Source is in use by this Graph. 以下数据源正在由这些图形使用
The following Data Source is in use by these Graphs. 以下数据源正在由这些图形使用
Choose an Aggregate Template and click 'Continue' to Create the Aggregate Graph from the following Graph. 点击 '继续',从选定的图形创建一个聚合图形.
Choose an Aggregate Template and click 'Continue' to Create the Aggregate Graph from the following Graphs. 点击 '继续',从选定的图形创建一个聚合图形.
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Graph on a Report. 点击 '继续' 以关闭以下报告.
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Graphs on a Report. 点击 '继续' 以关闭以下报告.
Place Graph on Report 在报告上放置图表
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Graph on Tree %s. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的树.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Graphs on Tree %s. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的树.
Place Graph on Tree 放置图形到树
Place Graphs on Tree 放置图形到树
Destination Branch 目的地分行
Graph Items [new] 图形项[新建]
Graph Items [edit: %s] 图形项目 [编辑: %s]
Graph [edit: %s] 图形 [编辑: %s]
Graph [new] 图形[新建]
Turn Off Graph Debug Mode. 关闭图形调试模式.
Turn On Graph Debug Mode. 打开图形调试模式.
Edit Graph Template. 编辑图形模板.
Edit Data Source: '%s'. 数据源: '%s'.
Unlock Graph. 解锁图.
Lock Graph. 锁图.
View Timespans. 时间跨度
Selected Graph Template 选择图形模板


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %s



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 1299