
English Turkish
The Type of Task. Generally represents the plugin and task within the plugin.
Task Name Kullanıcı Adı
The name of the Task. Bu kuralın adı.
Task ID
The ID of the Task which is often times the LSF clusterid or the License Service ID, but can be other metrics as well.
Run/Update Time Profili Güncelle
The Process runtime or times since last heartbeat.
The Process ID for the task. Sağ eksen için etiket.
The background process timeout in seconds when a Cacti process. Otherwise controlled by the individual plugins.
Start Time Son Başlangıç Saati:
Time the background process started for a Cacti process. The start time may or may not be supported for various plugins.
Last Updated Son Güncelleme
Time the process last registered its status to the status tables.
> 1 Year 1 Yıl
No Cacti or Plugin Background Processes Found
PHP Module Information PHP Modül Bilgisi
Worst 20 Polling Time Devices Yoklama Zamanı
Avg Polling Time Yoklama Zamanı
Actual Polling Time Yoklama Zamanı
No host found %s Bulunamadı
Worst 20 failed/total polls ratio
Failed/Total polls
Avg Row Length Ort. Satır Uzunluğu
Data Length Veri uzunluğu
Index Length İndeks uzunluğu
Comment Yorum
Unable to retrieve table status Tablo durumu alınamadı
Variable Name Değişken adı
Database Veritabanı
Permission Name İzinler
NET-SNMP Not Installed or its paths are not set. Please install if you wish to monitor SNMP enabled devices. NET-SNMP Kurulu Değil veya yolları ayarlanmamış. SNMP özellikli cihazları izlemek istiyorsanız lütfen kurun.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Turkish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/tr-TR.po, string 5008