
English Latvian
Changing Permission Model Warning
Changing Permission Model will alter a users effective Graph permissions.
After you change the Graph Permission Model you should audit your Users and User Groups Effective Graph permission to ensure that you still have adequate control of your Graphs. NOTE: If you want to restrict all Graphs at the Device or Graph Template Graph Permission Model, the default Graph Policy should be set to 'Deny'.
Poller Interval must be less than Cron Interval Pollera intervālam ir jābūt mazākam par Krona intervālu
Select Plugin(s) Atlasiet spraudni(s)
Plugins Selected Atlasītie spraudņi
Select File(s) Atlasīt failu(s)
Files Selected Faili atlasīti
Select Template(s) Atlasīt veidni(-es)
All Templates Selected Visas veidnes atlasītas
Send a Test Email Nosūtiet testa e-pastu
Test Email Results Testa e-pasta rezultāti
Site Information Vietnes informācija
The primary name for the Site. Vietnes primārais nosaukums.
New Site Jauna vietne
Disable Site Atspējot ierīci
Check this box to disable all checks for hosts in this site. Atzīmējiet šo izvēles rūtiņu, lai atspējotu visas pārbaudes šim saimniekdatoram.
Address Information Adreses informācija
Address1 Adrese 1
The primary address for the Site. Vietnes primārā adrese.
Enter the Site Address Ievadiet vietnes adresi
Address2 Adrese 2
Additional address information for the Site. Vietnes papildu adreses informācija.
Additional Site Address information Papildu informācija par vietnes adresi
City Pilsēta
The city or locality for the Site. Vietnes pilsēta vai vieta.
Enter the City or Locality Ievadiet pilsētu vai apvidu
State Stāvoklis
The state for the Site. Vietnes stāvoklis.
Enter the state Ievadiet štatu
Postal/Zip Code Pasta indekss


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
sites.php:52 sites.php:441
String age
10 months ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 4453