
English Latvian
Destination address not specified Galamērķa adrese nav norādīta
default Noklusējuma
IPv6 support seems to be missing!
UDP ping error: %s UDP ping kļūda: %s
UDP Ping Success (%s ms) UDP Ping sekmīga (%s ms)
IPv6 support appears to be missing!
TCP ping: socket_connect(), reason: %s TCP ping: socket_connect(), iemesls: %s
TCP ping: socket_select() failed, reason: %s TCP ping: socket_select() neizdevās, iemesls: %s
TCP Ping Success (%s ms) TCP ping veiksmīga (%s ms)
TCP ping timed out TCP ping noildze
Ping not performed due to setting. Ping netika veikts iestatījuma dēļ.
%s Version %s or above is required for %s. Ir nepieciešama %s versija %s vai jaunāka, lai atjauninātu %s.
%s is required for %s, and it is not installed. %s ir nepieciešams %s, un tas nav uzstādīts.
Plugin cannot be installed. Spraudni nevar uzstādīt.
The Plugin directory '%s' needs to be renamed to remove 'plugin_' from the name before it can be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an version function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an install function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
Plugins Spraudņi
Requires: Cacti >= %s Nepieciešams: Cacti >= %s
Legacy Plugin Mantotais spraudnis
Not Stated Nav norādīts
Device '%s' successfully added to Report. Ierīce “%s” ir veiksmīgi pievienota pārskatam.
Device not found! Unable to add to Report Ierīce nav atrasta! Nevar pievienot ziņojumam
Device '%s' not added to Report as it already exists on report. Ierīce “%s” nav pievienota pārskatam, jo tā jau pastāv pārskatā.
Problems sending Report '%s' Problem with e-mail Subsystem Error is '%s' Problēmas nosūtot ziņojumu “%s” Problēma ar e-pastu Apakšsistēmas kļūda ir “%s”
Report '%s' Sent Successfully Atskaite '%s' ir veiksmīgi nosūtīta
(No Graph Template) (Nav diagrammas veidnes)
(Non Query Based) (Nebalstīts uz vaicājumiem)
Add to Report Pievienot ziņojumam
Choose the Report to associate these graphs with. The defaults for alignment will be used for each graph in the list below. Izvēlieties pārskatu, ar kuru saistīt šīs diagrammas. Izlīdzināšanas noklusējuma iestatījumi tiks izmantoti katrai diagrammai zemāk esošajā sarakstā.
Report: Atskaite:
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x) Direktorija '%s' spraudnis neietver versijas funkciju '%s()'. Šai funkcijai ir jāpastāv, lai spraudnis tiktu instalēts.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 4012