
English Latvian
The regular expression "%s" is not valid. Error is %s Regulārā izteiksme "%s" nav derīga. Kļūda ir %s
Cacti regular expressions are limited to 50 characters only for security reasons.
Cacti regular expressions can not includes the semi-color character.
There was an internal error! Radās iekšēja kļūda!
Backtrack limit was exhausted! Atkāpšanās limits ir izsmelts!
Recursion limit was exhausted! Rekursijas limits ir izsmelts!
Bad UTF-8 error! Nepareiza UTF-8 kļūda!
Bad UTF-8 offset error! Nepareiza UTF-8 nobīdes kļūda!
Validation error for variable %s with a value of %s. See backtrace below for more details. Validācijas kļūda mainīgajam %s ar vērtību %s. Lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju, skatiet atpakaļ izsekošanu zemāk.
Validation Error Validācijas kļūda
written rakstīts
could not open nevarēja atvērt
not exists neeksistē
not writable nav rakstāms
New Graph Template: %s , Diagrammas veidne: %s
New Data Query: %s Datu vaicājums [%s]
Unknown Field Nezināms lauks
Import Preview Results Importēt priekšskatījuma rezultātus
Cacti would make the following changes if the Package was imported: Ja pakotne tiktu importēta, Cacti veiktu šādas izmaiņas:
Cacti has imported the following items for the Package: Cacti pakotnei ir importējis šādas preces:
Package Files Pakešu faili
[preview] [priekšskatījums]
Cacti would make the following changes if the Template was imported: Ja veidne tiktu importēta, Cacti veiktu šādas izmaiņas:
Cacti has imported the following items for the Template: Cacti ir importējis šādus vienumus veidnei:
[success] [panākumi]
[fail] [neizdevās]
[preview] [priekšskatījums]
[updated] [atjaunināts]
[unchanged] [nemainīts]
Found Dependency: Atrastā atkarība:
Unmet Dependency: Neapmierinātā atkarība:
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
lib/import.php:1687 lib/import.php:1697
String age
10 months ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 3714