
Context English Latvian
Filename Faila nosaukums
Differences Atšķirības
Unchanged Bez izmaiņām
Import Package Templates [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ] Importēt pakotnes veidnes [ Importē visas, ja neviena nav atlasīta. Importē atlasītās, ja ir izvēlētas. ]
Packages Pakotne
Template Type Veidnes tips
Changes/Diffferences Izmaiņas/atšķirības
Orphans Bāreņi
File Differences for: Failu atšķirības:
Local Package Import File Pakešu faili
The *.xml.gz file located on your Local machine to Upload and Import. *.xml.gz fails, kas atrodas uz jūsu datora, ko augšupielādēt un importēt.
Package Signature Pakešu faili
Automatically Trust Signer Automātiski pievienot kaktusiem
If checked, Cacti will automatically Trust the Signer for this and any future Packages by that author.
Replace Suggested Value Patterns Aizstāšanas modelis
Replace Data Source and Graph Template Suggested Value Records. Graphs and Data Sources will take on new names after either a Data Query Reindex or by using the forced Replace Suggested Values process.
Local Package File Pakešu faili
Package Location Atrašanās vieta
Select the Location of the Packages that you wish to Import. Atlasiet veidnes veidu, kuru vēlaties eksportēt no Cacti.
Package Import Pakotnes importēšana
Local Package Import Pakešu faili
Package Import Preferences Pakotnes importēšana
Repository Based Package Import Pakotnes importēšana
Not Set Nav atlasīts
No Packages Found Nav atrasta neviena lapa
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on GitHub or the '%s' file is missing or it could be an invalid branch. Valid Package Locations are normally:
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on the Local Cacti Server. But not data returned from the manifest file.
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on the Local Cacti Server or the package.manifest file is missing.
Click 'Continue' to delete the following . Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu tālāk norādītos VDEF.
Delete Public Key Dzēst ierīci
filter: use Go Palaist
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x) Aizstāt datu avota un diagrammas veidnes ieteicamās vērtības ierakstus. Grafiki un datu avoti iegūs jaunus nosaukumus pēc datu vaicājuma atkārtotas indeksēšanas vai izmantojot piespiedu ieteikto vērtību aizstāšanas procesu.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 4528