
English Latvian
See the PHP Manual: <a href="">JavaScript Object Notation</a>. Skatiet PHP rokasgrāmatu: <a href="">JavaScript objektu apzīmējums</a> .
The php-json module must also be installed. Jāinstalē arī php-json modulis.
See the PHP Manual: <a href="">Disable Functions</a>. Skatiet PHP rokasgrāmatu: <a href="">Atspējot funkcijas</a> .
The shell_exec() and/or exec() functions are currently blocked. Shell_exec() un/vai exec() funkcijas pašlaik ir bloķētas.
Display Graphs from this Aggregate Rādīt diagrammas no šī apkopojuma
The Graphs chosen for the Aggregate Graph below represent Graphs from multiple Graph Templates. Aggregate does not support creating Aggregate Graphs from multiple Graph Templates. Tālāk redzamajam apkopotajam grafikam izvēlētie grafiki attēlo grafikus no vairākām diagrammu veidnēm. Aggregate neatbalsta apkopotu grafiku izveidi no vairākām diagrammu veidnēm.
The Graphs chosen for the Aggregate Graph do not use Graph Templates. Aggregate does not support creating Aggregate Graphs from non-templated graphs. Apkopotajam grafikam izvēlētajos grafikos netiek izmantotas diagrammu veidnes. Aggregate neatbalsta apkopotu grafiku izveidi no diagrammām, kas nav veidotas veidnē.
There was some error in MySQL/MariaDB. Can not continue.
You must pass at least a single Graph to this function Jums ir jāatlasa vismaz viens grafiks, ko pievienot pārskatam.
Graph Item Grafika elements
CF Type CF tips
GPrint GPrint
Item Color Elementa krāsa
Color Template Krāsu veidne
Skip Izlaist
Aggregate Items are not modifiable Apkopotie vienumi nav modificējami
Aggregate Items are not editable Apkopotie vienumi nav rediģējami
Type Tips
No Matching Devices Nav atbilstošu ierīču
Objects Objekti
A blue font color indicates that the rule will be applied to the objects in question. Other objects will not be subject to the rule. Zilā burtu krāsa norāda, ka kārtula tiks piemērota attiecīgajiem objektiem. Uz pārējiem objektiem kārtula neattiecas.
Matching Objects [ %s ]&nbsp; Atbilstoši objekti [ %s ]
Device Status Ierīces statuss
There are no Objects that match this rule. Nav neviena objekta, kas atbilstu šai kārtulai.
Error in data query Kļūda datu vaicājumā
Matching Items Atbilstoši priekšmeti
Attempted SQL Injection found in Tree Automation for the field variable.
Resulting Branch Iegūtā filiāle
No Items Found Nav atrasti vienumi
Show Matching Device SQL Query Nav atbilstošu ierīču
Field Lauks
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


User avatar None

Source string changed

Cacti / coreLatvian

2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 3228