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English Latvian
About Cacti Par Cacti
Cacti is designed to be a complete graphing solution based on the RRDtool Time Series Database (TSDB) and Graphing solution. Its goal is to make the Network Administrator's job easier by taking care of all the important details necessary to create meaningful Graphs. Cacti - pilnvērtīgs grafiskais risinājums, kura pamatā ir RRDtool rīks. Tā mērķis ir atvieglot tīkla administratora darbu, vizualizējot visu nepieciešamo informāciju ar jēgpilniem grafikiem.
Please see the official %sCacti website%s for information on how to use Cacti, get support, and updates. Lūdzu, skatiet oficiālo %sCacti vietni%s, lai iegūtu informāciju, atbalstu un atjauninājumus.
Active Developers Cacti izstrādātāji
Developers working on Cacti, its Architecture, Documentation and Future Releases.
Honorable Mentions Konsoles izvēlnes sadaļa
Contributors to Docuemntation, QA, Packaging, the Forums and our YouTube page.
Emeritus Members Grupas dalībnieks
Members of the original Cacti Group that have since moved on in their careers. We continue to wish them the best.
Thanks Pateicības
A very special thanks to %sTobi Oetiker%s, the creator of %sRRDtool%s and the very popular %sMRTG%s. Īpašs paldies %sTobi Oetiker%s, %sRRDtool%s un ļoti populārās %sMRTG%s bibliotēkas izveidotājam.
The users of Cacti Cacti lietotāji
Especially anyone who has taken the time to create an issue report, or otherwise help fix a Cacti related problems. Also to anyone who has contributed to supporting Cacti. Īpaši tiem, kuri veltīja laiku problēmas ziņojuma izveidē vai kā citādi palīdzēja novērst ar Cacti saistītas problēmas. Kā arī tiem, kas deva savu ieguldījumu Cacti atbalstīšanā.
License Licences līgums
Cacti is licensed under the GNU GPL: Cacti ir licencēts saskaņā ar GNU GPL:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Šī ir bezmaksas programmatūra. Jūs varat to izplatīt tālāk un/vai modificēt saskaņā ar GNU vispārējās publiskās licences (GNU General Public License) noteikumiem, ko publicējusi Brīvās programmatūras fonds (Free Software Foundation). Vai nu licences 2. versija, vai nu jebkura jaunāka versija (pēc jūsu izvēles).
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


User avatar Coool

New translation

Cacti / coreLatvian

2 years ago
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English Latvian
Cacti Cacti Cacti

String information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 1