
English Italian
Load failed! The available Plugin '%s' Load failed. Unable to create directory %s
Restore succeeded! The archived Plugin '%s' Restore succeeded.
Load succeeded! The available Plugin '%s' Load succeeded.
Restore failed! The archived Plugin '%s' Restore failed. Check the cacti.log for warnings.
Load failed! The available Plugin '%s' Load failed. Check the cacti.log for warnings.
Restore failed! Unable to locate the archive record for Plugin '%s' in the database.
Load failed! Unable to locate the available record for Plugin '%s' in the database.
The Plugin '%s' has been archived successfully. Cacti log spurgato con successo
The Plugin '%s' archiving process has failed. Check the Cacti log for errors. Una o più riparazioni del file RRD hanno fallito. Vedere il registro Cacti per gli errori.
The Plugin '%s' archiving process has failed due to the plugin directory being missing.
Plugins Plugins
Requires: Cacti >= %s Richiede: Cactus >== %s
Legacy Plugin Plugin Legacy
Not Stated Non dichiarata
Unable to retrieve Cacti Plugins due to the Base API Repository URL or User not being set in Configuration > Settings > General > GitHub/GitLab API Settings.
No plugins found at GitHub/GitLab location.
The Cacti plugin %s has not releases Il Cacti Poller non ha ancora funzionato.
Unable to get archive from GitHub/GitLab location.
Unable to get %s from GitHub/GitLab location.
Unable to get develop repo data for plugin %s from GitHub/GitLab location.
There were '%s' Plugins found at The Cacti Groups GitHub site and '%s' Plugins Tags/Releases were retrieved and updated in %0.2f seconds.
Unable to reach The Cacti Groups GitHub site. No plugin data retrieved in %0.2f seconds.
Device '%s' successfully added to Report. Aggiunto a Cacti
Device not found! Unable to add to Report Il grafico non è stato trovato mentre si tentava di aggiungere al report
Device '%s' not added to Report as it already exists on report. Il dispositivo "%s" non è stato aggiunto al rapporto poiché esiste già nel rapporto.
Problems sending Report '%s' Problem with e-mail Subsystem Error is '%s' Problemi con l'invio del rapporto '%s' Il problema con il sottosistema di posta elettronica L'errore è '%s'
Report '%s' Sent Successfully Segnala '%s' inviato correttamente
(No Graph Template) (Nessun modello grafico)
(Non Query Based) (Non basato su query)
Add to Report Aggiungi alla relazione
Choose the Report to associate these graphs with. The defaults for alignment will be used for each graph in the list below. Scegliere il Report a cui associare questi grafici. I valori predefiniti per l'allineamento saranno utilizzati per ogni grafico nell'elenco seguente.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Italian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/it-IT.po, string 4229