

Plural formula: (n == 1) ? 0 : ((n == 2) ? 1 : ((n > 10 && n % 10 == 0) ? 2 : 3))

Context English Hebrew (Israel)
If checked, Cacti will automatically Trust the Signer for this and any future Packages by that author.
Replace Suggested Value Patterns דפוס החלפה
Replace Data Source and Graph Template Suggested Value Records. Graphs and Data Sources will take on new names after either a Data Query Reindex or by using the forced Replace Suggested Values process.
Local Package File חבילת קבצים
Package Location מיקום
Select the Location of the Packages that you wish to Import. בחר את סוג התבנית שברצונך לייצא מ- Cacti.
Package Import ייבוא
Local Package Import חבילת קבצים
Package Import Preferences ייבוא
Repository Based Package Import ייבוא
Not Set הסר חשבונות נבחרים
No Packages Found לא נמצאו עמודים
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on GitHub or the '%s' file is missing or it could be an invalid branch. Valid Package Locations are normally:
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on the Local Cacti Server. But not data returned from the manifest file.
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on the Local Cacti Server or the package.manifest file is missing.
Click 'Continue' to delete the following . לחץ על 'המשך' כדי למחוק את הקבצים הבאים של VDEF.
Delete Public Key מחק מכשירים
filter: use Go עבור
Home Page דף הבית
Support EMail Address נשלח מדוא"ל
Key Type סוג שדה
No Package Public Keys Found לא נמצאו עמודים
GitHub Based
File Based שדה שם
Direct URL
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on GitHub.
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on GitHub or the package.manifest file is missing or it could be an invalid branch. Valid Package Locations are normally:
The Repo '%s' is Reachable at the URL Location.
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on the Local Cacti Server.
Delete Package Repository מחיקת צבע
Click 'Continue' to disable the following Package Repository. לחץ על 'המשך' כדי להשבית את הדוחות הבאים.


User avatar None

Source string changed

Cacti / coreHebrew (Israel)

3 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Same plurals

Some plural forms are translated in the same way



English Hebrew (Israel)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
package_keys.php:95 package_repos.php:206
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/he-IL.po, string 4541