
English Bulgarian
The total string length of the Query. Пощенски или пощенски код за сайта.
Query State Име на заявката
The MariaDB/MySQL process state.
Query Details Обобщени данни
The Query Details for the current query upto a maximum string length.
No Database Queries Found Не са намерени заявки за данни
Cacti Poller Кактуси вкъщи
Cacti Process 1 Процес
RTM Process 1 Процес
Automation Process Приблизително в процес:
HMIB Process 1 Процес
MikroTik Process 1 Процес
WebSeer Process 1 Процес
Service Check Process Изтрий Проверка
MacTrack Process 1 Процес
Task Type Този вид
Poller: Анкетиращ
Collector колектори
The Type of Task. Generally represents the plugin and task within the plugin.
Task Name Потребителско име
The name of the Task. Името на това правило.
Task ID
The ID of the Task which is often times the LSF clusterid or the License Service ID, but can be other metrics as well.
Run/Update Time Обнови профила си
The Process runtime or times since last heartbeat.
The Process ID for the task. Етикетът за дясната ос.
The background process timeout in seconds when a Cacti process. Otherwise controlled by the individual plugins.
Start Time Последно начално време:
Time the background process started for a Cacti process. The start time may or may not be supported for various plugins.
Last Updated Последно & обновяване
Time the process last registered its status to the status tables.


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English Bulgarian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
support.php:565 support.php:760
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/bg-BG.po, string 4990