
% d Секунди
English Bulgarian
Schedule Планиране
Total IPs Общо IP адреси
The Current Status of this Networks Discovery Текущото състояние на това откритие на мрежите
Progress Прогрес
Pending/Running/Done В очакване / бягане / Съставено
Up/SNMP Hosts Нагоре / SNMP хостове
Threads Теми
Last Runtime Последно време
Next Start Следващ старт
Last Started Последното стартиране
Running 실행 중
Idle Празен ход
Never Никога
No Networks Found Не са намерени мрежи
Refresh Обновяване
%d Seconds % d Секунди
Clear Filtered Изчисти филтрирано
Import Networks Импортиране на цветове
Import SNMP Options from Local File Импортирайте цветове от локален файл
If the JSON file containing the SNMP Options data is located on your local machine, select it here. Ако XML файлът, съдържащ данни за шаблони, се намира на локалната ви машина, изберете го тук.
Import SNMP Options from Text Импортиране на шаблон от текст
If you have the JSON file containing the SNMP Options data as text, you can paste it into this box to import it. Ако имате XML файл, съдържащ шаблонни данни като текст, можете да го поставите в това поле, за да го импортирате.
Cacti has Imported the following SNMP Options Cacti са импортирали следните елементи:
Import SNMP Options Опции за SNMP
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following SNMP Option. Натиснете 'Продължи', за да изтриете следните SNMP опции.
Click 'Continue' to Delete following SNMP Options. Натиснете 'Продължи', за да изтриете следните SNMP опции.
Delete SNMP Option Изтриване на SNMP опция
Delete SNMP Options Изтриване на SNMP опция
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following SNMP Option. Кликнете върху „Напред“, за да изтриете следното Дърво.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following SNMP Options. Натиснете 'Продължи', за да изтриете следните SNMP опции.
Duplicate SNMP Option Изтриване на SNMP опция
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Needs editing Cacti/webseer
Propagated Needs editing Cacti/intropage
Propagated Translated Cacti/thold
Propagated Translated Cacti/mactrack
Propagated Needs editing Cacti/servcheck
Propagated Translated Cacti/gexport % d Ссекунди
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following strings have different sources, but the same context.
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x) % d Ссекунди
Translated Cacti/core % d Ссекунди


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

PHP format 1

Following format strings are missing: %d
Following format strings are extra: % d



English Bulgarian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
automation_networks.php:1542 automation_networks.php:1543 automation_networks.php:1544 automation_networks.php:1545 data_sources.php:1221 include/global_arrays.php:739 include/global_arrays.php:775 include/global_arrays.php:776 include/global_arrays.php:777 include/global_arrays.php:778 include/global_arrays.php:779 include/global_arrays.php:780 include/global_arrays.php:1338 include/global_arrays.php:1339 include/global_arrays.php:1340 include/global_arrays.php:1341 include/global_arrays.php:1716 include/global_arrays.php:1717 include/global_arrays.php:1718 include/global_arrays.php:1719 include/global_arrays.php:1720 include/global_arrays.php:1755 include/global_arrays.php:1756 include/global_arrays.php:1768 include/global_arrays.php:1769 include/global_arrays.php:1770 include/global_arrays.php:1771 include/global_arrays.php:1772 include/global_arrays.php:1773 include/global_arrays.php:1774 include/global_settings.php:686 include/global_settings.php:687 include/global_settings.php:688 include/global_settings.php:689 include/global_settings.php:1447 include/global_settings.php:1448 include/global_settings.php:1449 include/global_settings.php:1450 include/global_settings.php:2955 include/global_settings.php:2956 include/global_settings.php:2957 pollers.php:970 pollers.php:971 pollers.php:972 pollers.php:973 pollers.php:974 support.php:273 support.php:274 support.php:275 support.php:276 support.php:277 support.php:278 support.php:585 support.php:586 support.php:587 support.php:588 support.php:589 support.php:590
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/bg-BG.po, string 492