
English Chinese (Simplified)
This is the data that is being passed to the poller each time it runs. This data is then in turn executed/interpreted and the results are fed into the RRDfiles for graphing or the database for display. 这是每次运行时传递给poller 的数据.然后依次执行/解释这些数据,并将结果输入到RRD 文件中进行画图或显示数据库.
The Data Query Cache stores information gathered from Data Query input types. The values from these fields can be used in the text area of Graphs for Legends, Vertical Labels, and GPRINTS as well as in CDEF's. 数据查询缓存存储从数据查询输入类型收集的信息.来自这些字段的值可以在图形的图例,垂直标签和GPRINTS以及CDEF中使用.
Rebuild Poller Cache 重建poller 缓存
The Poller Cache will be re-generated if you select this option. Use this option only in the event of a database crash if you are experiencing issues after the crash and have already run the database repair tools. Alternatively, if you are having problems with a specific Device, simply re-save that Device to rebuild its Poller Cache. There is also a command line interface equivalent to this command that is recommended for large systems. 如果选择此选项,将重新生成轮询器缓存。仅在数据库崩溃的情况下使用此选项,如果您在崩溃后遇到问题并且已经运行了数据库修复工具。或者,如果您在特定设备上遇到问题,只需重新保存该设备以重建其轮询器缓存。还有一个与此命令等效的命令行界面,建议用于大型系统.
NOTE: On large systems, this command may take several minutes to hours to complete and therefore should not be run from the Cacti UI. You can simply run 'php -q cli/rebuild_poller_cache.php --help' at the command line for more information. 注意:在大型系统上,此命令可能需要几分钟到几小时才能完成,因此不应从 Cacti UI 运行。 您只需在命令行中运行“php -q cli/rebuild_poller_cache.php --help”即可了解更多信息。
Rebuild Resource Cache 重建资源缓存
When operating multiple Data Collectors in Cacti, Cacti will attempt to maintain state for key files on all Data Collectors. This includes all core, non-install related website and plugin files. When you force a Resource Cache rebuild, Cacti will clear the local Resource Cache, and then rebuild it at the next scheduled poller start. This will trigger all Remote Data Collectors to recheck their website and plugin files for consistency. 在Cacti中操作多个数据采集器时,Cacti将尝试维护所有数据采集器上的密钥文件的状态.这包括所有核心,非安装相关的网站和插件文件.强制执行资源缓存重建时,Cacti将清除本地资源缓存,然后在下一个计划的poller 启动时重建它.这将触发所有远程数据采集器重新检查其网站和插件文件的一致性.
Boost Utilities Boost 工具
View Boost Status 查看Boost 状态
This menu pick allows you to view various boost settings and statistics associated with the current running Boost configuration. 通过此菜单,您可以查看与当前Boost 相关的各种设置和统计信息.
Data Source Statistics Utilities 数据来源统计
Purge Data Source Statistics 数据来源统计
This menu pick will purge all existing Data Source Statistics from the Database. If Data Source Statistics is enabled, the Data Sources Statistics will start collection again on the next Data Collector pass. 该菜单选项将清除数据库中所有现有的数据源统计信息。如果启用了数据源统计信息,则数据源统计信息将在下一次数据收集器传递时再次开始收集。
RRD Utilities RRD 工具
RRDfile Cleaner RRD 文件清理器
When you delete Data Sources from Cacti, the corresponding RRDfiles are not removed automatically. Use this utility to facilitate the removal of these old files. 从Cacti 中删除数据源时,相应的RRD 文件不会自动删除. 使用此工具来帮助删除这些旧文件.
Use this utility to display problems with missing rrd files or missing values in rrdfiles. You need enable rrdcheck in Configuration->Settings->Data 使用此实用程序可以显示缺少 rrd 文件或 rrdfiles 中缺少值的问题。您需要在 Configuration->Settings->Data 中启用 rrdcheck
SNMP Agent Utilities SNMPAgent 工具
This shows all objects being handled by the SNMP Agent. 这显示了SNMPAgent 处理的所有对象.
Rebuild SNMP Agent Cache 重建SNMPAgent 缓存
The SNMP cache will be cleared and re-generated if you select this option. Note that it takes another poller run to restore the SNMP cache completely. 如果您选择此选项,SNMP 缓存将被清除并重新生成. 请注意,它需要另一个poller 才能完全恢复SNMP 缓存.
This menu pick allows you to view the latest events SNMP Agent has handled in relation to the registered notification receivers. 通过此菜单,您可以查看SNMPAgent 处理的与注册的通知接收方有关的最新事件.
Allows Administrators to maintain SNMP notification receivers. 允许管理员维护SNMP 通知接收者.
Cacti System Utilities Cacti 系统工具
Refresh Interval 刷新频率
Overrun Warning 超限警告
Timed Out 超时
Other 其他
Cannot open directory 无法打开目录
Directory Does NOT Exist!! 目录不存在!
Current Boost Status 当前Boost 状态


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 4470