
English Chinese (Simplified)
System Memory 系统内存
%s GB %s GBytes
MySQL/MariaDB Memory Statistics (Source: MySQL Tuner) MySQL/MariaDB 内存统计(来源:MySQL Tuner)
Max Total Memory Possible poller 允许使用的的最大内存
Reduce MySQL/MariaDB Memory to less than 80% of System Memory. Preserve additional Cache Memory for RRDfiles if the Database is on the same system as the RRDfiles. See Core and Client Totals below for explanation of calculation method. 将 MySQL/MariaDB 内存减少到小于 80% of 系统内存。 如果数据库与 RRDfiles 位于同一系统上,请为 RRDfiles 保留额外的缓存内存。 有关计算方法的说明,请参阅下面的核心和客户端总计。
Max Core Memory Possible poller 允许使用的的最大内存
Reduce Total Core Memory 减少总核心内存
Calculation Formula 计算公式
Max Connection Memory Possible 最大连接内存
Reduce Total Client Memory 减少客户端总内存
PHP Information PHP的信息
PHP Version PHP 版本
PHP Version 5.5.0+ is recommended due to strong password hashing support. 由于强大的密码散列支持,建议使用PHP版本5.5.0以上的版本.
PHP uname PHP 未命名
Installed. <span class="deviceDown">Note: If you are planning on using SNMPv3, you must remove php-snmp and use the Net-SNMP toolset.</span> 已安装。 <span class="deviceDown">注意:如果您打算使用SNMPv3,则必须删除php-snmp并使用Net-SNMP工具集。</span>
You've set memory limit to 'unlimited'. 您已将内存限制设置为 'unlimited'.
It is highly suggested that you alter you php.ini memory_limit to %s or higher. 强烈建议您将 php.ini 的 memory_limit 改为 %s 或更高.
This suggested memory value is calculated based on the number of data source present and is only to be used as a suggestion, actual values may vary system to system based on requirements. 这个建议的内存值是根据数据源的数量来计算的,只是作为一个建议,根据需要,实际值可能会随系统的不同而不同.
Variable Name 变量名
MySQL Table Information - Sizes in KBytes MySQL表信息 - 以KB为单位的大小
Avg Row Length 平均行长度
Data Length 数据长度
Index Length 索引长度
Comment 评论
Unable to retrieve table status 无法检索表格状态
PHP Module Information PHP的模块信息
User Login History 用户登录历史
Deleted/Invalid 已删除/无效
Result 结果
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 4402