
English Chinese (Simplified)
WARNING: Device Template for your Operating System Not Found. You will need to import Device Templates or Cacti Packages to monitor your Cacti server. 警告:找不到您的操作系统的设备模板。您将需要导入设备模板或Cacti软件包以监视您的Cacti服务器。
Running first-time data query for local host 运行本地主机的首次数据查询
Repopulating poller cache 重建poller 缓存
Repopulating SNMP Agent cache 重建SNMPAgent 缓存
Generating RSA Key Pair 生成RSA密钥对
Found %s tables to convert 找到要转换的%s表
Converting Table #%s '%s' 转换表#%s '%s'
No tables where found or selected for conversion 没有找到或选择要转换的表
Switched from %s to %s 从%s切换到%s
NOTE: Using temporary file for db cache: %s 注意:使用临时文件进行数据库高速缓存:%s
Upgrading from v%s (DB %s) to v%s 从v%s(数据库%s)升级到v%s
WARNING: Failed to find upgrade function for v%s 警告:无法找到v%s的升级功能
Install aborted due to no EULA acceptance 由于未接受EULA,安装被中止
Background was already started at %s, this attempt at %s was skipped 后台已在%s开始,此尝试已在%s跳过
Exception occurred during installation: #%s - %s 安装期间发生异常: #%s - %s
Installation was started at %s, completed at %s 安装在 %s 开始,在 %s 完成
Both 两者
No - %s 否-%s
%s - N/A %s-不适用
Web 网页
%s - No %s - 否
Cli 如果您选择此选项,则将重新生成轮询缓存。如果在崩溃后遇到问题并且已经运行数据库修复工具,则只有在发生数据库崩溃的情况下才使用此选项;或者,如果您遇到问题 使用特定的设备,只需重新保存该设备以重建其轮询缓存即可。还有一个与此命令等效的命令行界面,建议用于大型系统。<i class = “deviceDown ”>注意:在大型系统 ,这个命令可能需要几分钟到几个小时才能完成,因此不应该从Cacti UI运行。您可以在命令行运行'php -q cli / rebuild_poller_cache.php --help'以获取更多信息。</ i>
Setting PHP Option %s = %s 设置PHP选项%s =%s
Failed to set PHP option %s, is %s (should be %s) 无法设置PHP选项%s,为%s(应为%s)
No Remote Data Collectors found for full synchronization 尝试同步时未找到数据采集器
Authentication Success 认证成功
Authentication Failure 认证失败
PHP LDAP not enabled PHP LDAP 模块未启用
No username defined 没有定义用户名
Protocol Error, Unable to set version (%s) on Server (%s) 协议错误,无法在服务器(%s)上设置版本(%s)
Protocol Error, Unable to set referrals option (%s) on Server (%s) 协议错误,无法在服务器(%s)上设置参照选项(%s)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 3600