
English Chinese (Simplified)
Use --alt-autoscale (accepting both limits, RRDtool default) 使用--alt-autoscale(接受两个限制,RRDtool默认)
Logarithmic Scaling (--logarithmic) 对数标度 (--logarithmic)
Use Logarithmic y-axis scaling 使用对数y轴缩放
SI Units for Logarithmic Scaling (--units=si) 用于对数标度的SI单位 (--units=si)
Use SI Units for Logarithmic Scaling instead of using exponential notation.<br> Note: Linear graphs use SI notation by default. 使用SI单位进行对数比例缩放而不是使用指数符号.<br>注意: 线性图形默认使用SI符号.
Rigid Boundaries Mode (--rigid) 刚性边界模式(--rigid)
Do not expand the lower and upper limit if the graph contains a value outside the valid range. 如果图形包含超出有效范围的值,则不要展开下限和上限.
Upper Limit (--upper-limit) 上限 (--upper-limit)
The maximum vertical value for the graph. 图形的最大垂直值.
Lower Limit (--lower-limit) 下限 (--lower-limit)
The minimum vertical value for the graph. 图形的最小垂直值.
Grid Options 网格选项
Unit Grid Value (--unit/--y-grid) 单位网格值(--unit/--y-grid)
Sets the exponent value on the Y-axis for numbers. Note: This option is deprecated and replaced by the --y-grid option. In this option, Y-axis grid lines appear at each grid step interval. Labels are placed every label factor lines. 在Y轴上为数字设置指数值. 注意: 此选项已弃用,并由--y-grid选项取代. 在此选项中,Y轴网格线出现在每个网格步骤间隔处. 标签放置在每个标签因子线上.
Unit Exponent Value (--units-exponent) 单位指数值( - 单位指数)
What unit Cacti should use on the Y-axis. Use 3 to display everything in "k" or -6 to display everything in "u" (micro). Cacti应该在Y轴上使用哪种单位. 使用3显示 "k" 或 -6 中的所有内容,以显示 "u"(微)中的所有内容.
Unit Length (--units-length &lt;length&gt;) 单位长度 (--units-length &lt;length&gt;)
How many digits should RRDtool assume the y-axis labels to be? You may have to use this option to make enough space once you start fiddling with the y-axis labeling. RRDtool假设y轴标签应该有多少位数? 一旦开始摆弄y轴标签,您可能不得不使用此选项来留出足够的空间.
No Gridfit (--no-gridfit) 没有网格适应 (--no-gridfit)
In order to avoid anti-aliasing blurring effects RRDtool snaps points to device resolution pixels, this results in a crisper appearance. If this is not to your liking, you can use this switch to turn this behavior off.<br><strong>Note: </strong>Gridfitting is turned off for PDF, EPS, SVG output by default. 为了避免消除锯齿模糊效果RRDtool 将点指向设备分辨率像素,这会让外观更加清晰.如果这不符合您的要求,您可以使用此开关来关闭此功能.<br> <strong>注意: </strong> 默认情况下,PDF,EPS,SVG 输出关闭了Gridfitting.
Alternative Y Grid (--alt-y-grid) 备用Y坐标
The algorithm ensures that you always have a grid, that there are enough but not too many grid lines, and that the grid is metric. This parameter will also ensure that you get enough decimals displayed even if your graph goes from 69.998 to 70.001.<br><strong>Note: </strong>This parameter may interfere with --alt-autoscale options. 该算法确保您始终拥有一个网格,有足够但不是太多的网格线,并且网格是度量标准. 此参数还可以确保即使图形从69.998变为70.001,也可以显示足够的小数.<br> <strong>注意:</ strong>此参数可能会影响--alt-autoscale选项.
Axis Options 轴选项
Right Axis (--right-axis &lt;scale:shift&gt;) 右轴 (--right-axis &lt;scale:shift&gt;)
A second axis will be drawn to the right of the graph. It is tied to the left axis via the scale and shift parameters. 第二个轴将绘制在图形的右侧. 它通过比例和移位参数绑定到左侧轴.
Right Axis Label (--right-axis-label &lt;string&gt;) 右轴标签 (--right-axis-label &lt;string&gt;)
The label for the right axis. 右轴标签.
Right Axis Format (--right-axis-format &lt;format&gt;) 右轴格式 (--right-axis-format &lt;format&gt;)
By default, the format of the axis labels gets determined automatically. If you want to do this yourself, use this option with the same %lf arguments you know from the PRINT and GPRINT commands. 默认情况下,轴标签的格式会自动确定. 如果您想自己做,使用这个选项和您在PRINT 和GPRINT 命令中知道的 %lf 参数相同.
Right Axis Formatter (--right-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;) 右轴格式器 (--right-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;)
When you setup the right axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format. Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"). See also --units-length and --right-axis-format. Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds. Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT. 当您设置正确的轴标签时,将规则应用于数据格式. 支持的格式包括将数据视为数字的 "numeric" ,其中值被解释为UNIX 时间戳(自1970年1月以来的秒数)并使用strftime格式表示(缺省值为 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ). 另见--units-length和--right-axis-format. 最后的 "持续时间", 其中的值被解释为以毫秒为单位的持续时间. 格式遵循valstrfduration 合格的PRINT/GPRINT 规则.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 1874