
English Ukrainian
The username to authenticate with when sending via SMTP. (Leave blank if you do not require authentication.)
SMTP Password
The password to authenticate with when sending via SMTP. (Leave blank if you do not require authentication.)
SMTP Security
The encryption method to use for the Email.
SMTP Timeout
Please enter the SMTP timeout in seconds.
Reporting Presets
Default Graph Image Format
When creating a new report, what image type should be used for the inline graphs.
Maximum E-Mail Size
The maximum size of the E-Mail message including all attachments.
Poller Logging Level for Cacti Reporting
What level of detail do you want sent to the log file. WARNING: Leaving in any other status than NONE or LOW can exhaust your disk space rapidly.
Enable Lotus Notes (R) tweak
Enable code tweak for specific handling of Lotus Notes Mail Clients.
DNS Options
Primary DNS IP Address
Enter the primary DNS IP Address to utilize for reverse lookups.
Secondary DNS IP Address
Enter the secondary DNS IP Address to utilize for reverse lookups.
DNS Timeout
Please enter the DNS timeout in milliseconds. Cacti uses a PHP based DNS resolver.
On-demand RRD Update Settings
Enable On-demand RRD Updating
Should Boost enable on demand RRD updating in Cacti? If you disable, this change will not take affect until after the next polling cycle. When you have Remote Data Collectors, this settings is required to be on.
System Level RRD Updater
Before RRD On-demand Update Can be Cleared, a poller run must always pass
How Often Should Boost Update All RRDs
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core Який рівень деталізації ви хочете надіслати у файл журналу. ПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ: якщо залишити будь-який інший статус, ніж NONE або LOW, ваш дисковий простір може швидко вичерпатися.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Ukrainian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/uk-UA.po, string 2563