
English Latvian
Summary Kopsavilkums
Detailed Detalizēti
Number of PHP Script Servers PHP skriptu serveru skaits
The number of concurrent script server processes to run per spine process. Settings between 1 and 15 are accepted. This parameter will help if you are running several threads and script server scripts and is only valid for the spine Data Collector. Vienlaicīgu skriptu servera procesu skaits, kas jāpalaiž vienā mugurkaula procesā. Tiek pieņemti iestatījumi no 1 līdz 15. Šis parametrs palīdzēs, ja izmantojat vairākus pavedienus un skriptu servera skriptus, un tas ir derīgs tikai mugurkaula Data Collector.
Script and Script Server Timeout Value Skripts un skriptu servera taimauta vērtība
The maximum time that spine will wait on a script to complete. This timeout value is in seconds and is only valid for the spine Data Collector. Maksimālais laiks, ko mugurkauls gaidīs, līdz skripts tiks pabeigts. Šī noildzes vērtība ir norādīta sekundēs un ir derīga tikai mugurkaula Data Collector.
Periodic All Device Re-Index Regulāra visu ierīču atkārtota pārindeksēšana
Re-Index All Device Schedule Pārindeksēt ierīci
At what frequency do you wish to Re-Index all Devices. This Re-Index will occur at midnight at the frequency that you select. Cik bieži vēlaties atkārtoti pārindeksēt visas ierīces. Šī atkārtotā pārindeksēšana notiks pusnaktī ar jūsu izvēlēto intervālu.
Weekly on Sunday Katru nedēļu - svētdienās
Monthly on Sunady Katru mēnesi dienā
Background Timeout and Concurrent Process Settings Fona taimauta iestatījumi
Report Generation Timeout Pārskata izveides noildze
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Reports Generation script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Maksimālais laiks, ko var palaist Cacti's Reports Generation skripts, neģenerējot taimauta kļūdu un nenogalinot.
%s Minute %s minūte
Data Source Statistics Timeout Datu avota statistikas noildze
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Data Source Statistics script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Maksimālais laiks, cik ilgi Cacti datu avota statistikas skripts var darboties, neradot taimauta kļūdu un netiekot nogalināts.
RRDChecker Timeout DNS noildze
The maximum amount of time Cacti's RRDfile check script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Maksimālais laiks, ko var palaist Cacti's Spikekill skripts, neradot taimauta kļūdu un nenogalinot.
%s Hour %s stunda
Poller Commands Timeout Fona komandu noildze
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Background Commands script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. This script will perform tasks such as re-indexing Devices and pruning devices from Remote Data Collectors. Maksimālais laiks, ko Cacti's Background Commands skripts var palaist, neradot taimauta kļūdu un netiekot nogalināts.
Poller Command Concurrent Processes Vienlaicīgo procesu skaits
The number of concurrent Poller Command processes. The will be at most one concurrent command per host within the Poller Command pool. Vienlaicīgu Poller Command procesu skaits. Poller Command pool ietvaros katram resursdatoram būs ne vairāk kā viena vienlaicīga komanda.
1 Process 1 process
%d Processes %d procesi
Maintenance Background Generation Timeout Apkopes fona ģenerēšanas taimauts
The maximum amount of time a Cacti's Maintenance script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Maksimālais laiks, ko var palaist Cacti's Maintenance skripts, neradot taimauta kļūdu un nenogalinot.
Spikekill Background Generation Timeout Spikekill fona ģenerēšanas taimauts
The maximum amount of time a Cacti's Spikekill script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Maksimālais laiks, ko var palaist Cacti's Spikekill skripts, neradot taimauta kļūdu un nenogalinot.
Data Collector Defaults Datu savācēja noklusējuma iestatījumi
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 2408