
English Chinese (Traditional)
This settings should remain ON unless your Cacti instances is running on either ZFS or FusionI/O which both have internal journaling to accomodate abrupt system crashes. However, if you have very good power, and your systems rarely go down and you have backups, turning this setting to OFF can net you almost a 50% increase in database performance. 除非您的Cacti實例在ZFS或FusionI / O上運行,並且兩者都具有內部日記功能以適應突然的系統崩潰,否則此設置應保持為ON。但是,如果您的電源非常好,並且系統很少宕機並且有備份,那麼將此設置設置為OFF可以使數據庫性能提高近50%。
This is where metadata is stored. If you had a lot of tables, it would be useful to increase this. 這是存儲元數據的地方。如果你有很多表,那麼增加它會很有用。
Rogue queries should not for the database to go offline to others. Kill these queries before they kill your system. Rogue查詢不應該讓數據庫脫機到其他人。在殺死您的系統之前殺死這些查詢。
Maximum I/O performance happens when you use the O_DIRECT method to flush pages. 使用O_DIRECT方法刷新頁面時,會發生最大I / O性能。
Setting this value to 2 means that you will flush all transactions every second rather than at commit. This allows %s to perform writing less often. 將此值設置為2意味著您將每秒刷新所有事務而不是提交。這允許%s更少地執行寫入。
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. 使用現代SSD類型存儲,具有多個io線程對於具有高io特性的應用是有利的。
As of %s %s, the you can control how often %s flushes transactions to disk. The default is 1 second, but in high I/O systems setting to a value greater than 1 can allow disk I/O to be more sequential 從%s%s開始,您可以控制%s將事務刷新到磁盤的頻率。默認值為1秒,但在高I / O系統中設置為大於1的值可以允許磁盤I / O更順序
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple read io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. Depending on your MariaDB/MySQL versions, this value can go as high as 64. But try to keep the number less than your total SMT threads on the database server. 使用現代SSD類型存儲,具有多個讀取io線程對於具有高io特性的應用是有利的。
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple write io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. Depending on your MariaDB/MySQL versions, this value can go as high as 64. But try to keep the number less than your total SMT threads on the database server. 使用現代SSD類型存儲,具有多個寫入io線程對於具有高io特性的應用是有利的。
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MariaDB less than 10.5. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max the number of CPU cores or 64. %s會將innodb_buffer_pool劃分為內存區域以提高性能。最大值為64.當你的innodb_buffer_pool小於1GB時,你應該使用池大小除以128MB。繼續使用此公式,最大值為64。
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MySQL upto and including MySQL 8.0. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max of the number of CPU cores or 64. %s會將innodb_buffer_pool劃分為內存區域以提高性能。最大值為64.當你的innodb_buffer_pool小於1GB時,你應該使用池大小除以128MB。繼續使用此公式,最大值為64。
If you have SSD disks, use this suggestion. If you have physical hard drives, use 200 * the number of active drives in the array. If using NVMe or PCIe Flash, much larger numbers as high as 100000 can be used. 如果您有SSD磁盤,請使用此建議。如果您有物理硬盤驅動器,請使用200 *陣列中的活動驅動器數量。如果使用NVMe或PCIe閃存,可以使用高達100000的更大數字。
If you have SSD disks, use this suggestion. If you have physical hard drives, use 2000 * the number of active drives in the array. If using NVMe or PCIe Flash, much larger numbers as high as 200000 can be used. 如果您有SSD磁盤,請使用此建議。如果您有物理硬盤驅動器,請使用2000 *陣列中的活動驅動器數量。如果使用NVMe或PCIe Flash,則可以使用高達200000的更大數字。
If you have SSD disks, use this suggestion. Otherwise, do not set this setting. 如果您有SSD磁盤,請使用此建議。否則,請勿設置此設置。
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple read io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. 使用現代SSD類型存儲,具有多個讀取io線程對於具有高io特性的應用是有利的。
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple write io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. 使用現代SSD類型存儲,具有多個寫入io線程對於具有高io特性的應用是有利的。
When using MariaDB 10.2.4 and above, this setting should be off if atomic writes are enabled. Therefore, please enable atomic writes instead of the double write buffer as it will increase performance. 使用 MariaDB 10.2.4 及更高版本時,如果啟用了原子寫入,則應關閉此設置。因此,請啟用原子寫入而不是雙寫入緩衝區,因為它會提高性能。
When using MariaDB 10.2.4 and above, you can use atomic writes over the doublewrite buffer to increase performance. 使用 MariaDB 10.2.4 及更高版本時,您可以在雙寫緩衝區上使用原子寫入來提高性能。
%s Tuning %s調整
Note: Many changes below require a database restart 注意:以下許多更改都需要重新啟動數據庫
Variable 变数
Current Value 當前的數值
Recommended Value 推薦值
Comments 評論
PHP %s is the minimum version PHP%s是最小版本
A minimum of %s memory limit 至少%s MB內存限制
A minimum of %s m execution time 至少%sm執行時間
A valid timezone that matches MySQL and the system 與MySQL和系統匹配的有效時區
A useful name for this VDEF. 此VDEF的有用名稱。
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following External Link. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下用戶域。
Click 'Continue' to Delete following External Links. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下用戶域。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
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3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 4109