Data Input Saved.You must update the Data Templates referencing this Data Input Method before the Data Collectors will start using any new or modified Data Input - Input Fields.
Data Input Field Saved.You must update the Data Templates referencing this Data Input Method before the Data Collectors will start using any new or modified Data Input - Input Fields.
When you setup the right axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format.Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").See also --units-length and --right-axis-format.Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds.Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT.
When you setup the left axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format.Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").See also --units-length.Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds.Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT.
<blockquote><i>Built-in Authentication</i> - Cacti handles user authentication, which allows you to create users and give them rights to different areas within Cacti.<br><br><i>Web Basic Authentication</i> - Authentication is handled by the web server. Users can be added or created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used.<br><br><i>LDAP Authentication</i> - Allows for authentication against a LDAP server. Users will be created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used.If PHPs LDAP module is not enabled, LDAP Authentication will not appear as a selectable option.<br><br><i>Multiple LDAP/AD Domain Authentication</i> - Allows administrators to support multiple disparate groups from different LDAP/AD directories to access Cacti resources.Just as LDAP Authentication, the PHP LDAP module is required to utilize this method.</blockquote>
It is essential that the Central Cacti server can communicate via MySQL to each remote Cacti database server.Once the install is complete, you must edit the Remote Data Collector and ensure the settings are correct.You can verify using the 'Test Connection' when editing the Remote Data Collector.
Please select the Device Templates that you wish to use after the Install.If you Operating System is Windows, you need to ensure that you select the 'Windows Device' Template.If your Operating System is Linux/UNIX, make sure you select the 'Local Linux Machine' Device Template.