Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Mismatched colon 2,427 1 2,426 994
PHP format 7,468 0 7,468 2,775
Unchanged translation 3,247 41 3,206 2,176
Punctuation spacing 131 0 131 76
Consecutive duplicated words 1,891 3 1,888 1,056
Trailing space 1,488 0 1,488 691
Mismatched full stop 6,885 1 6,884 3,181
Mismatched question mark 284 0 284 169
Multiple failing checks 3,323 0 3,323 3,323
Starting spaces 802 0 802 655
Unpluralised 297 0 297 297
Multiple unnamed variables 330 0 330 330
Kashida letter used 134 0 134 91
Mismatched exclamation mark 379 0 379 182
Double space 759 0 759 395
Missing plurals 477 15 462 337
XML markup 208 0 208 65
XML syntax 94 0 94 39
Mismatching line breaks 48 0 48 4
Same plurals 492 0 492 158
Ellipsis 19 0 19 19
Mismatched semicolon 13 0 13 8
Mismatched \n 18 0 18 0
Long untranslated 2,921 0 2,921 2,921
Mismatched ellipsis 2 0 2 2
Trailing newline 37 0 37 0
Zero-width space 2 0 2 2
Has been translated 299 4 295 0
Inconsistent 200 0 200 103


Customizable quality checks will help you improve the quality of translations.

The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.