Context English Chinese (Simplified)
Add WMI Query to Device Template 将WMI查询添加到设备模板
Click 'Continue' to delete the following WMI Queries will be disassociated from the Device Template. 单击“继续”以删除以下WMI查询,这些查询将与设备模板解除关联。
WMI Query Name: %s WMI查询名称:%s
Cancel 取消
Continue 继续
Remove WMI Query 删除WMI查询
Give this account a meaningful name that will be displayed. 为此帐户提供一个有意义的名称,以便显示。
Username 用户名
The username that will be used for authentication. Please also include the domain if necessary. 用于认证的用户名。如有必要,还请包括域。
Password 密码
The password used for authentication. 用于身份验证的密码。
Press 'Continue' to delete the following accounts. 按“继续”以删除以下帐户。
You must select at least one account. 您必须至少选择一个帐户。
Account [edit: %s] 帐号:[编辑:%s]
Account [new] 帐户:[新建]
WMI Accounts WMI帐户
Search 搜索
Accounts 帐户
Default 默认
filter: use Go Go