Account [edit: %s]
Account [new]
Add WMI Query
Add WMI Query to Device Template
Associated WMI Queries
Auto Create WMI Queries
Check this box, if you want the WMI Plugin to query Windows devices.
Choose an account to use when Authenticating via WMI
Clear the results panel.
Click 'Continue' to delete the following WMI Queries will be disassociated from the Device Template.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following WMI Queries.
Collection Frequency
Common Queries (Click to Select)
Create a new WMI Query from the existing Query.
Delete WMI Query
Distributed COM Setup
Enable WMI Data Collection
ERROR: You must provide a host, username, password and query
For WMI to work the user account you are using must be granted Distributed COM permissions, and the Windows Firewall must be configured to allow Distributed COM communications. You can find a real good document on this procedure at the following Link %s.