English Chinese (Traditional)
Enter an Eternal ID for this Thold Template. 閾值模板的圖表創建失敗
Invalid file extension. 文件擴展名無效
No file uploaded. 無上傳文件
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定下限閾值的允許偏差百分比。如果未設置,則根本不會檢查下限閾值。
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, the lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定下限閾值的允許偏差百分比。如果未設置,則根本不會檢查下限閾值。
Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, the upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定上限閾值的允許偏差百分比。如果未設置,則根本不會檢查上限閾值。
Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定上限閾值的允許偏差百分比。如果未設置,則根本不會檢查上限閾值。
The amount of time that has passed since the Threshold either Breached or was Triggered 數據源必須超出閾值以提出警告的時間量。
The file is too big. 檔案容量過大
The hostname that was the source of this event. 此設備的數據源數量
The Notification List used if any. 僅通知清單
The supported notification topic. 閾值模板
The Threshold will restart generating Alerts. 警告/警報的高閾值
The time of the event as defined by the caller. SNMP報告的設備正式正常運行時間
Threshold Template Import data was not correct while importing Threshold Template. 嘗試創建圖形和閾值時未設置閾值模板ID
Threshold Template Import data was not found to be XML data. 未找到閾值模板從屬數據模板!