English Chinese (Traditional)
Data Field 數據字段
Data Field that you are using. (This cannot be changed) 您正在使用的數據字段。 (這不能改變)
Whether or not this Threshold will be checked and alerted upon. 是否將檢查此警報並提醒您。
Repeat alert after this amount of time has pasted since the last alert. 自上次警報以來粘貼了這段時間後重複提醒。
Min Trigger Duration 最小觸發持續時間
The amount of time the Data Source must be in a breach condition for an alert to be raised. 數據源必須處於違規情況以引發警報的時間量。
The number of times the Data Source must be in breach condition prior to issuing a warning. 發出警告之前數據源必須處於違規狀態的次數。
Time Period Length 時間段長度
The number of times the Data Source must be in breach condition prior to issuing an alert. 發出警報之前數據源必須處於違規狀態的次數。
Baseline Monitoring 基線監測
Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定上限閾值的允許偏差百分比。如果未設置,則根本不會檢查上限閾值。
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定下限閾值的允許偏差百分比。如果未設置,則根本不會檢查下限閾值。
Number of consecutive times the Data Source must be in a breached condition for an alert to be raised.<br>Leave empty to use default value (Default: %s cycles 數據源必須處於違規狀態以便引發警報的連續次數。 <br>保留為空以使用默認值(默認值:%s個週期
Percent Datasource 百分比數據源
Second Datasource Item to use as total value to calculate percentage from. 第二個數據源項目用作總計值來計算百分比。
An RPN Expression is an RRDtool Compatible RPN Expression. Syntax includes all functions below in addition to both Device and Data Query replacement expressions such as <span style="color:blue;">|query_ifSpeed|</span>. To use a Data Source in the RPN Expression, you must use the syntax: <span style="color:blue;">|ds:dsname|</span>. For example, <span style="color:blue;">|ds:traffic_in|</span> will get the current value of the traffic_in Data Source for the RRDfile(s) associated with the Graph. Any Data Source for a Graph can be included.<br>Math Operators: <span style="color:blue;">+, -, /, *, &#37;, ^</span><br>Functions: <span style="color:blue;">SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, SQRT, FLOOR, CEIL, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, ABS, EXP, LOG, ATAN, ADNAN</span><br>Flow Operators: <span style="color:blue;">UN, ISINF, IF, LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NE</span><br>Comparison Functions: <span style="color:blue;">MAX, MIN, INF, NEGINF, NAN, UNKN, COUNT, PREV</span>%s %s RPN表達式是兼容RRDtool的RPN表達式。語法包括以下所有函數以及Device和Data Query替換錶達式,例如<span style="color:blue;">| query_ifSpeed |</span> 。要在RPN表達式中使用數據源,必須使用以下語法: <span style="color:blue;">| ds:dsname |</span> 。例如, <span style="color:blue;">| ds:traffic_in |</span>將獲取與Graph關聯的RRD文件的traffic_in數據源的當前值。可以包含圖表的任何數據源。 <br>數學運算符: <span style="color:blue;">+, - ,/,*,%,^</span> <br>功能: <span style="color:blue;">SIN,COS,TAN,ATAN,SQRT,FLOOR,CEIL,DEG2RAD,RAD2DEG,ABS,EXP,LOG,ATAN,ADNAN</span> <br>流量運算符: <span style="color:blue;">UN,ISINF,IF,LT,LE,GT,GE,EQ,NE</span> <br>比較函數: <span style="color:blue;">MAX,MIN,INF,NEGINF,NAN,UNKN,COUNT,PREV</span> %s%s
Upper data source to use to calculate the total value. 用於計算總值的上層數據源。
Alert Email Subject 提醒電子郵件
Alert Email Body 警報郵件正文
This is the Warning subject that will be displayed in the Email (128 Char MAX). Leave blank for the default. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060PHASE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDVALUE&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060BREACHUP&#062 &#060REALERT&#062 &#60HOSTNAME&#62 這是將顯示在所有閾值警告(255 Char MAX)頂部的消息。允許使用HTML,但僅刪除純文本電子郵件。可以使用幾種描述符。 <br> &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt; &lt;HOSTNAME&gt; &lt;TIME&gt; &lt;DATE&gt; &lt;DATE_RFC822&gt; &lt;URL&gt; &lt;GRAPHID&gt; &lt;CURRENTVALUE&gt; &lt;THRESHOLDNAME&gt; &lt;DSNAME&gt; &lt;SUBJECT&gt; &lt;GRAPH&gt; &lt;NOTES&gt; &lt;DNOTES&gt;