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The current response time for the Cacti Availability check Cacti可用性檢查的當前響應時間
Average (ms) 平均(ms)
The average response time for the Cacti Availability check Cacti Availability檢查的平均響應時間
Availability 可用性
The overall Availability of this Device since the last counter reset in Cacti 自Cacti上次計數器重置以來此設備的整體可用性
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No Devices 沒有裝置
Not Up 不起來
Threshold Log for [ %s ] [%s]的閾值日誌
Log Entries 紀錄細節
Device 裝置
Time 時間
Alert Value 警報價值
Measured Value 測量值
No Threshold Logs Found 找不到閾值日誌
Entries 留言
You are not authorised to modify one or more of the Thresholds selected 您無權修改所選的一個或多個閾值
%s (%d Thresholds) %s(%d閾值)
Click 'Continue' to export the following Threshold Template(s). 單擊“繼續”以導出以下閾值模板。