English Chinese (Traditional)
Acknowledge Threshold 未知閾值
Click 'Continue' to Acknowledge the following Threshold(s). 單擊“繼續”以確認以下閾值。
Threshold Template Subordinate Data Template Not Found! 未找到閾值模板從屬數據模板!
Threshold Template Subordinate Data Source Not Found! 未找到閾值模板從屬數據源!
Threshold Template import columns do not match the database schema 閾值模板導入列與數據庫架構不匹配
Imported 已匯入
Threshold Template '%s' %s! 閾值模板'%s'%s!
Updated 已更新
Import 匯入
Threshold Template '%s' %s Failed! 閾值模板'%s'%s失敗!
Update 更新
Errors encountered while attempting to import Threshold Template data. 嘗試導入閾值模板數據時出現錯誤。
Threshold Template Import data was not found to be XML data. 未找到閾值模板從屬數據模板!
Threshold Template Import data was not correct while importing Threshold Template. 嘗試創建圖形和閾值時未設置閾值模板ID
The Threshold has been Ascknowledged. 要監視的閾值類型。
The Threshold will no longer generate Alerts, Notifications, or execute commands. 閾值將不再生成警報,通知或執行命令。
The Threshold will restart generating Alerts. 警告/警報的高閾值
Threshold Status 門檻狀態
Actions 動作
Edit Threshold 編輯閾值