English Chinese (Traditional)
If this is checked, this Threshold will not alert on weekends. 如果選中此選項,則此閾值將不會在周末發出警報。
Disable Restoration Email 禁用恢復電子郵件
If this is checked, Threshold will not send an alert when the Threshold has returned to normal status. 如果選中此選項,則閾值將在閾值恢復正常狀態時不發送警報。
Acknowledgment Options 確認選項
There are three Acknowledgment levels that control how you must respond to a Threshold breach condition. They are:<br><br><ul><li><i>None Required</i> - When you select this option, no Acknowledgment is required for a Threshold breach.</li><li><i>Suspendible Notification</i> - With this option, once you Acknowledge or Suspend Notifications on the Threshold, you will no longer receive notifications while it is breached. You may subsequently, Resume Notifications while its breached.</li><li><i>Persistent Acknowledgment</i> - With this option, even after the Threshold has returned to normal, you must Acknowledge the Threshold and provide an optional Operator Message.</li></ul> 有三個確認級別可控制您必須如何響應閾值違規條件。他們是: <br><br><ul><li> <i>無必需</i> - 選擇此選項時,閾值違規不需要確認。 </li><li> <i>重置確認</i> - 使用此選項,一旦您確認閾值,您將不再收到違反通知的通知。 </li><li> <i>持久確認</i> - 使用此選項,即使閾值恢復正常,您也必須確認閾值並提供可選的操作員消息。 </li></ul>
None Required 無必需
Suspendible Notification SNMP通知
Persistent Acknowledgment 堅持承認
Threshold Type 閾值類型
The type of Threshold that will be monitored. 要監視的閾值類型。
Re-Alert Cycle 重新警報週期
Repeat alert after this amount of time has passed since the last alert. 自上次警報起經過這段時間後重複警報。
Warning - High / Low Settings 警告 - 高/低設置
High Threshold 高門檻
If set and Data Source value goes above this number, warning will be triggered. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 如果設置並且“數據源”值超過此數字,將觸發警告。注意:此值必須是RAW號。圖形上顯示的值可以由cdef修改。
Low Threshold 低門檻
If set and Data Source value goes below this number, warning will be triggered. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 如果設置並且數據源值低於該數字,將觸發警告。注意:此值必須是RAW號。圖形上顯示的值可以由cdef修改。
Breach Duration 違反期限
The amount of time the Data Source must be in breach of the Threshold for a warning to be raised. NOTE: This value must be a RAW number. The value displayed on the Graph may be modified by a cdef. 數據源必須超出閾值以提出警告的時間量。
Alert - High / Low Settings 警報 - 高/低設置