English Chinese (Traditional)
No Threshold(s) Created. Threshold(s) Template not found. 沒有創建閾值。閾值未找到模板。
The following Data Sources have no Threshold Templates associated with them 以下數據源沒有與之關聯的閾值模板
Click 'Continue' to create Thresholds for these Data Sources? 點擊“繼續”為這些數據源創建閾值?
Available Threshold Templates 可用的閾值模板
Select a Threshold Template 選擇閾值模板
There are no Threshold Templates associated with the following Data Sources 沒有與以下數據源關聯的閾值模板
Create Threshold from Template 從模板創建閾值
The following Graphs have no Threshold Templates associated with them 以下圖表沒有與之關聯的閾值模板
Press 'Continue' if you wish to create Threshold(s) for these Graph(s) 如果要為這些圖形創建閾值,請按“繼續”
There are no Threshold Templates associated with the following Graphs 沒有與以下圖表關聯的閾值模板
Associated Threshold Templates 關聯閾值模板
Threshold Exists 門檻存在
Threshold Does Not Exist 閾值不存在
Delete Threshold Template Association 選擇閾值模板
No Associated Threshold Templates. 沒有關聯的閾值模板。
Add Threshold Template 添加閾值模板
Add 新增
Add Threshold Template to Device 將閾值模板添加到設備模板
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Threshold Template will be disassociated from the Device. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下閾值模板將與設備模板解除關聯。
Threshold Template Name: %s 閾值模板名稱:%s