English Chinese (Traditional)
Unknown Template 未知的模板
No Threshold Templates 沒有門檻模板
Lists 列表
List Name 列表名稱
Emails 電子郵件
No Notification Lists 沒有通知列表
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Notification. 單擊“繼續”以復制以下通知列表。
Delete Notification 刪除通知清單
Event Notifications 死設備通知
Suspend Notification Processing SNMP通知
Resume Notification Processing SNMP通知
Purge Notification Queue SNMP通知預設
Notifications 通知清單
The supported notification topic. 閾值模板
Event Description 活動說明
The hostname that was the source of this event. 此設備的數據源數量
The Notification List used if any. 僅通知清單
The time of the event as defined by the caller. SNMP報告的設備正式正常運行時間
Errors 錯誤
Run Time 時間