English Chinese (Traditional)
When 'Consider Unknown Data as Zero' is enabled, log when it occurs 將未知數據視為零
Syslog Settings 系統日誌設置
Syslog Enabled 已啟用Syslog
If checked, when creating a new Threshold, by default new Threshold events will be sent to your local syslog. This setting is a preset. Threshold settings dictate actual syslog control. 如果選中,則在創建新閾值時,默認情況下,新的閾值事件將發送到您的本地syslog。此設置是預設。閾值設置決定了實際的syslog控制。
Default Priority/Level 默認優先級/級別
This is the default Priority/Level that Thold will use to send syslog messages. This setting is a preset. Threshold settings dictate actual syslog control. 這是Thold用於發送系統日誌消息的默認優先級/級別。此設置是預設。閾值設置決定了實際的syslog控制。
Default Facility 默認設施
This is the default Facility that Thold will use to send syslog messages. This setting is a preset. Threshold settings dictate actual syslog control. 這是Thold將用於發送系統日誌消息的默認工具。此設置是預設。閾值設置決定了實際的syslog控制。
Alert Presets 警報預設
Weekend exemptions 週末豁免
If this is checked, Thold will not run on weekends. 如果選中此選項,Thold將不會在周末運行。
Default Trigger Count 默認觸發計數
Default number of consecutive times the Data Source must be in breach of the Threshold for an Alert to be raised. 數據源必須連續違反警報閾值的默認連續次數。
Re-Alerting 重新警報
Repeat Alert after specified number of poller cycles. 在指定的輪詢週期數後重複警報。
Baseline Presets 基線預設
Baseline Time Range Default 基線時間範圍默認值
This is the default value used in creating Thresholds or templates. 這是創建閾值或模板時使用的默認值。
Baseline Trigger Count 基線觸發計數
Default number of consecutive times the Data Source must be in breach of the calculated Baseline Threshold for an Alert to be raised. 數據源必須連續違反計算的基準閾值的默認連續次數才能引發警報。