English Chinese (Traditional)
Threshold Daemon 閾值守護進程
Enable Threshold Daemon 啟用閾值守護程序
Checking this box will enable the use of a dedicated Threshold daemon. This can be used to increase system performance and/or to distribute Threshold monitoring to a separate server. 選中此框將啟用專用閾值守護程序。這可用於提高系統性能和/或將閾值監視分發到單獨的服務器。
Force Threshold Daemon Debug 閾值守護進程
Daemon Down Notification Frequency 設備上/下通知設置
If the Thold Daemon is found to be down, send out an Email notification at this frequency. 如果發現Thold守護程序已關閉,則以該頻率發送電子郵件通知。
Every %d Hour 每個%d小時
The number of daemon threads to be handled by the Threshold Daemon. 閾值守護程序要處理的最大並發進程數。
Logging 記錄
Log Threshold Breaches 記錄閾值違規
Enable logging of all Threshold failures to the Cacti Log. 啟用將所有閾值故障記錄到Cacti Log。
Show Data Source in Log 在日誌中顯示數據源
Show the Data Source name in the Log if not present. 如果不存在,則在日誌中顯示數據源名稱。
Log Threshold Changes 記錄閾值更改
Enable logging of all Threshold changes to the Cacti Log. 啟用將所有閾值更改記錄到Cacti Log。
Debug Log 除錯記錄
Enable logging of debug messages with Threshold 使用閾值啟用調試消息的日誌記錄
Alert Log Retention 警報日誌保留
Keep Threshold Logs for this number of days. 將閾值日誌保留此天數。
Log action Consider Unknown Data as Zero 將未知數據視為零