English Chinese (Simplified)
%d Polling Intervals %d 轮询间隔
Alerting/Thold 重新警报
General 常规
Disable All Thresholds 禁用所有阈值
Checking this box will disable Alerting on all Thresholds. This can be used when it is necessary to perform maintenance on your network. 选中此框将禁用所有阈值上的警报。 当需要在您的网络上执行维护时可以使用此功能。
Auto Create Thresholds 自动创建阈值
If selected, when running either automation, or when creating/saving a Device, all Thresholds associated with the Device Template will be created. 如果选中,则在运行自动化或创建/保存设备时,将创建与设备模板关联的所有阈值。
Consider Unknown Data as Zero 将未知数据视为零
When checking Thresholds, if a Data Source returns Unknown Data ('U'), consider the value as zero for the Threshold check. You can also enable log this issue. 检查阈值时,如果数据源返回未知数据('U'),则将阈值检查的值视为零。
Default Management Status 默认管理状态
Default Threshold management filter status. 默认阈值管理过滤器状态.
Any 所有
Breached or Triggered 警告触发器
Breached 冲破
Triggered 已触发
Enabled 已启用
Empty ifHighSpeed Default 空 ifHighSpeed 默认
When calculating Expression Thresholds, if the ifHighSpeed and ifSpeed come back as zero, use the following ifHighSpeed setting instead. Default ifHighSpeed will be 10000 for 10GE interfaces. 计算表达式阈值时, 如果 ifHighSpeed 和 ifSpeed 返回为零, 请改为使用 ifHighSpeed 设置, 如果10GE接口默认 ifHighSpeed 为10000.
Notification Preferences SNMP通知预设
Disable Legacy Notifications 禁用旧版通知