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A template with that Data Source already exists! 具有该数据源的模板已经存在!
Configure Thresholds 插件 - >配置阈值
Configure Threshold Templates 插件 - >配置阈值模板
Manage Notification Lists 警告通知列表
View Thresholds 查看阈值
Normal User 普通用户
Template Editor 模板编辑器
General Administration 基本管理
Device Up/Down Notification Settings 设备启/停通知设置
Threshold Up/Down Email Notification 阈值启/停电子邮件通知
Global List 全局列表
List Below 下面列出
Global and List Below 全局和下面的列表
Which Notification List(s) of should be notified about Device Up/Down events? 应该通知哪些设备启/停事件通知列表?
Notification List 通知列表
Additional Email address, separated by commas for multiple Emails. 额外的电子邮件地址,用逗号分隔多个电子邮件地址。
Host Failure Count 失败统计
The number of Polling Intervals at this Host must be Down before Thold logging an error and reporting Host as Down. Default is 0 (use Cacti setting) 在Thold记录错误并报告主机为Down之前,此主机上的轮询间隔数必须为Down。默认值为0(使用“仙人掌”设置)
Use Cacti Setting 基准设置
%d Polling Interval %d 轮询间隔