English Chinese (Simplified)
The Threshold will no longer generate Alerts, Notifications, or execute commands. 阈值将不再生成警报,通知或执行命令。
The Threshold will restart generating Alerts. 阈值将重新开始生成警报。
Threshold Status 阈值状态
Actions 操作
Ack Detail 确认详情
Edit Threshold 编辑阈值
Disable Threshold 禁用阈值
Enable Threshold 启用阈值
To enable the Threshold, enable the Template first 选择一个阈值模板
View Graph 查看图表
View Threshold History 查看阈值历史记录
Suspend Notifications until the Threshold clears 重复通知列表
Resume Notifications for this breached Threshold 删除通知列表
Acknowledgement Message 确认
Date 日期
Comment Not Found 未找到注释
Ack History 确认历史记录
No name set 没有名字设置
Hover over icons for help 将鼠标悬停在图标上寻求帮助
A description for the Device 设备描述