English Chinese (Simplified)
Impossible threshold: The Warning Trigger Count must be less than or equal to the Trigger Count or eval to 1! 不可能的阈值:警告触发器计数必须小于或等于触发器计数或eval为1!
Impossible threshold: 'Low Warning Threshold' smaller than the 'Low Alert Threshold'! 不可能的阈值:“低警告阈值”小于“低警报阈值”!
Unknown Threshold Type! 未知阈值类型!
No Thresholds Templates associated with the Device's Template. 无阈值与主机模板关联的模板。
Mailer Error: No <b>TO</b> address set!!<br>If using the <i>Test Mail</i> link, please set the <b>Alert Email</b> setting. 邮件错误:没有 <b>TO</b>地址设置!! <br>如果使用<i>测试邮件</i>链接,请设置<b>提醒邮件</b>设置。
Acknowledge Threshold 低阈值
Click 'Continue' to Acknowledge the following Threshold(s). 点击“继续”以复制以下通知列表。
Threshold Template Subordinate Data Template Not Found! 未找到阈值模板从属数据模板!
Threshold Template Subordinate Data Source Not Found! 未找到阈值模板从属数据源!
Threshold Template import columns do not match the database schema 阈值模板导入列与数据库架构不匹配
Imported 导入的
Threshold Template '%s' %s! 阈值模板 '%s' %s!
Updated 更新
Import 导入
Threshold Template '%s' %s Failed! 阈值模板 '%s' %s 失败!
Update 更新
Errors encountered while attempting to import Threshold Template data. 尝试导入阈值模板数据时出现错误。
Threshold Template Import data was not found to be XML data. 未找到阈值模板从属数据模板。
Threshold Template Import data was not correct while importing Threshold Template. 尝试创建图形和阈值时未设置阈值模板ID。
The Threshold has been Ascknowledged. 将要监视的阈值类型。