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You may specify here extra Emails to receive alerts for this data source (comma separated) 您可以在此指定额外的电子邮件以接收此数据源的警报(以逗号分隔)
Warning Emails 警告电子邮件
You may specify here extra Emails to receive warnings for this data source (comma separated) 您可以在此指定额外的电子邮件以接收此数据源的警告(逗号分隔)
If checked, Threshold notification will be sent to your local syslog. 如果选中此项,当阈值恢复到正常状态时,阈值不会发送通知。
Priority/Level 优先级/等级
This is the Priority Level that will be logged into your syslog messages. 这是系统日志消息将作为优先级发送的优先级。
Facility 设施
This is the Facility that will be used for this Threshold. 这是将用于离线设备消息的电子邮件主题。
Event Triggering (Shell Command) 事件触发(Shell命令)
High Trigger Command 触发计数
If set, and if a High Threshold is breached, this command will be run. Please enter a valid command. In addition, there are several replacement tags available that can be used to pass information from the Threshold to the script. You can do this as arguments on the command line, or preferably, in the environment of the script. All replacement values will appear in the environment of the script prefixed with THOLD_. So, for example CURRENTVALUE will become THOLD_CURRENTVALUE, and so on. The variables include: &#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#060HI&#062 &#060LOW&#062 &#060DURATION&#062 &#060TRIGGER&#062 &#060DETAILS_URL&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062. Finally, Host, Data Query and Data Input replacement can be made. For example, if you have a data input custom data called pending, to perform the replacement use |pending|. For Data Query, and Host replacement use Cacti conventions |query_xxxx|, and |host_xxxx| respectively. 如果设置,并且违反了高阈值,则将运行此命令。请输入有效的命令。此外,还有几个可用的替换标记可用于将信息从阈值传递到脚本。它们包括:<DESCRIPTION> <HOSTNAME> <TIME> <URL> <GRAPHID> <CURRENTVALUE> <THRESHOLDNAME> <DSNAME> <SUBJECT> <GRAPH> <HI> <LOW> <DURATION> <TRIGGER> <DETAILS_URL> <DATE_RFC822 > <BREACHED_ITEMS>。最后,可以进行主机,数据查询和数据输入替换。例如,如果您有一个名为pending的数据输入自定义数据,则执行替换use | pending |。对于数据查询和主机替换,使用Cacti约定| query_xxxx |和| host_xxxx |分别。
Low Trigger Command 触发计数
If set, and if a Low Threshold is breached, this command will be run. Please enter a valid command. In addition, there are several replacement tags available that can be used to pass information from the Threshold to the script. You can do this as arguments on the command line, or preferably, in the environment of the script. All replacement values will appear in the environment of the script prefixed with THOLD_. So, for example CURRENTVALUE will become THOLD_CURRENTVALUE, and so on. The variables include: &#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#060HI&#062 &#060LOW&#062 &#060DURATION&#062 &#060TRIGGER&#062 &#060DETAILS_URL&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062. Finally, Host, Data Query and Data input replacement can be made. For example, if you have a data input custom data called pending, to perform the replacement use |pending|. For Data Query, and Host replacement use Cacti conventions |query_xxxx|, and |host_xxxx| respectively. 如果设置,并且违反了低阈值,则将运行此命令。请输入有效的命令。此外,还有几个可用的替换标记可用于将信息从阈值传递到脚本。它们包括:<DESCRIPTION> <HOSTNAME> <TIME> <URL> <GRAPHID> <CURRENTVALUE> <THRESHOLDNAME> <DSNAME> <SUBJECT> <GRAPH> <HI> <LOW> <DURATION> <TRIGGER> <DETAILS_URL> <DATE_RFC822 > <BREACHED_ITEMS>。最后,可以进行主机,数据查询和数据输入替换。例如,如果您有一个名为pending的数据输入自定义数据,则执行替换use | pending |。对于数据查询和主机替换,使用Cacti约定| query_xxxx |和| host_xxxx |分别。
Norm Trigger Command 触发计数
If set, when a thold falls back to a normal value, this command will be run. Please enter a valid command. In addition, there are several replacement tags available that can be used to pass information from the Threshold to the script. You can do this as arguments on the command line, or preferably, in the environment of the script. All replacement values will appear in the environment of the script prefixed with THOLD_. So, for example CURRENTVALUE will become THOLD_CURRENTVALUE, and so on. The variables include: &#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060URL&#062 &#060GRAPHID&#062 &#060CURRENTVALUE&#062 &#060THRESHOLDNAME&#062 &#060DSNAME&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060GRAPH&#062 &#060HI&#062 &#060LOW&#062 &#060DURATION&#062 &#060TRIGGER&#062 &#060DETAILS_URL&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062. Finally, Host, Data Query and Data input replacement can be made. For example, if you have a data input custom data called pending, to perform the replacement use |pending|. For Data Query, and Host replacement use Cacti conventions |query_xxxx|, and |host_xxxx| respectively. 如果设置,当thold回退到正常值时,将运行此命令。请输入有效的命令。此外,还有几个可用的替换标记可用于将信息从阈值传递到脚本。它们包括:<DESCRIPTION> <HOSTNAME> <TIME> <URL> <GRAPHID> <CURRENTVALUE> <THRESHOLDNAME> <DSNAME> <SUBJECT> <GRAPH> <HI> <LOW> <DURATION> <TRIGGER> <DETAILS_URL> <DATE_RFC822 > <BREACHED_ITEMS>。最后,可以进行主机,数据查询和数据输入替换。例如,如果您有一个名为pending的数据输入自定义数据,则执行替换use | pending |。对于数据查询和主机替换,使用Cacti约定| query_xxxx |和| host_xxxx |分别。
Other Settings 其他设置
Enter an Eternal ID for this Threshold. 您必须至少选择一个阈值。
Operator Notes 操作员备注
Enter instructions here for an operator who may be receiving the Threshold message. 为此处输入可能正在接收阈值消息的操作员的说明。
Select Users(s) 选择用户