English Chinese (Simplified)
Consolidation Function 合并功能
Average 平均(毫秒)
Minimum 最小值
Maximum 最大值
Last 当前
The Consolidation function to use for the Baseline Type value calculation. 用于比较基准类型值计算的合并功能。
Time Range 时间范围
Specifies the point in the past (based on rrd resolution) that will be used as a reference or the duration to use for the Floating Average when using the Floating Average type Threshold 指定将用作参考的过去点(基于rrd分辨率)
Deviation UP 偏差UP
Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, the upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定上限阈值的允许偏差。如果未设置,则根本不会检查上限阈值。度量单位是“绝对值”类型的绝对值,以及“%%偏差”和“%%滑动平均”的百分率
Deviation DOWN 偏差下降
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, the lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' 指定下限阈值的允许偏差。如果未设置,则根本不会检查下限阈值。度量单位是“绝对值”类型的绝对值,以及“%%偏差”和“%%滑动平均”的百分率
Trigger Count 触发计数
Number of consecutive times the Data Source must be in breach of the baseline Threshold for an alert to be raised.<br>Leave empty to use default value (<b>Default: %s cycles</b>) 数据源连续违反基线阈值才能引发警报的次数。<br>为空则使用默认值 (<b>默认值:%s 循环</b>)
Data Manipulation 数据操作
Data Type 数据类型
Special formatting for the given data. 给定数据的特殊格式。
Threshold CDEF 阈值CDEF
Apply this CDEF before returning the data. 在返回数据之前应用此CDEF。
Percent Data Source 百分比数据源