English Chinese (Simplified)
Duration 期间
Repeat 重复
In State 此状况时间
The amount of time that has passed since the Threshold either Breached or was Triggered 自违反阈值或触发阈值以来经过的时间量
Acknowledgment required for this Threshold 确认此阈值所需的确认
No [Template:Thold] 没有模板化
No [Template] 没有模板
No [Thold] 没有阈值
%d Triggers %d 触发
No Thresholds 没有阈值
Threshold Deleted, can not Edit! 阈值不存在!
Graph Data 图数据
Edit Threshold Template 添加阈值模板
Data Source Description: 数据源说明:
Associated Graph (Graphs using this RRD): 关联图(使用此RRD的图):
Last: 持续:
WHi: W高:
WLo: W低:
AHi: A高:
ALo: ALo: