English Chinese (Simplified)
Rows 行数
Unknown Template 未知的模板
No Threshold Templates 没有阈值模板
Lists 列表
List Name 列表名称
Emails 电子邮件
No Notification Lists 没有通知列表
Notification has been Suspended. Press the Resume button to resume it 通知已暂停。按“继续”按钮继续
Notification has been Resumed. Press the Suspend button to suspend it 通知已恢复。按下“挂起”按钮将其挂起
Pending Notifications have been removed from the database. Previously sent notification not purged will remain until they age out. 已从数据库中删除挂起的通知。以前发送的未清除的通知将保留到过期为止。
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Notification. 点击“继续”以复制以下通知列表。
Delete Notification 删除通知列表
Event Notifications [ Notifications Suspended by User: %s, %s ago ] 事件通知[用户挂起的通知:%s,%s前]
Event Notifications 事件通知
Topic 标题
Processed 处理
Suspend 挂起
Suspend Notification Processing SNMP通知
Resume 恢复
Resume Notification Processing SNMP通知