English Chinese (Simplified)
New List Name 新列表名称
New Notification List 新通知列表
Duplicate Notification List(s) 重复通知列表
%s Threshold Template(s) %s 阈值模板
Click 'Continue' to Association the Notification List '%s' with the Threshold Template(s) below. 点击“继续”,将通知列表 '<b>%s</b>'与下面的阈值模板相关联。
No Change 没有变化
Notification List Only 仅限通知列表
Notification List, Retain Other Settings 通知列表,保留其他设置
Warning Membership: 警告成员:
Alert Membership: 警报成员:
Associate Notification List(s) 准会员通知名单
Click 'Continue' to Disassociate the Notification List '%s' from the Thresholds Template(s) below. 点击“继续”,从下面的阈值模板中取消关联通知列表 '<b>%s</b>'。
Remove List 删除列表
Disassociate Notification List(s) 取消关联通知列表
%s Threshold(s) %s 阈值
Click 'Continue' to Associate the Notification List '%s' with the Threshold(s) below. 点击“继续”将通知列表 '<b>%s</b>'与下面的阈值关联起来。
Click 'Continue' to Disassociate the Notification List '%s' from the Thresholds(s) below. 点击“继续”,从下面的阈值中取消关联通知列表 '<b>%s</b>'.
Click 'Continue' to Associate the Notification List '%s' with the Device(s) below. 点击“继续”将通知列表 '<b>%s</b>''与下面的设备关联。
You may also Associate the Devices Thresholds as well. However, these Device Thresholds will allow the Threshold Notification List to be overwritten. 您也可以关联设备阈值。但是,这些设备阈值将必须允许覆盖阈值通知列表。
Notification and Global Lists 通知和全局列表