English Chinese (Simplified)
This is the default Priority/Level that Thold will use to send syslog messages. This setting is a preset. Threshold settings dictate actual syslog control. 这是Thold用于发送系统日志消息的默认优先级/级别。此设置是预设。阈值设置决定了实际的syslog控制。
Default Facility 默认状态
This is the default Facility that Thold will use to send syslog messages. This setting is a preset. Threshold settings dictate actual syslog control. 这是Thold将用于发送系统日志消息的默认工具。此设置是预设。阈值设置决定了实际的syslog控制。
Alert Presets 警报预设
Weekend exemptions 周末免除
If this is checked, Thold will not run on weekends. 如果检查,阈值不会在周末运行。
Default Trigger Count 默认触发器计数
Default number of consecutive times the Data Source must be in breach of the Threshold for an Alert to be raised. 数据源必须违反阈值才会引发警报的缺省连续次数。
Re-Alerting 重新警报
Repeat Alert after specified number of poller cycles. 在指定的轮询周期后重复警报。
Baseline Presets 基线预设
Baseline Time Range Default 基线时间范围默认
This is the default value used in creating Thresholds or templates. 这是创建阈值或模板时使用的默认值。
Baseline Trigger Count 基线触发计数
Default number of consecutive times the Data Source must be in breach of the calculated Baseline Threshold for an Alert to be raised. 数据源必须违反计算的基线阈值才会引发警报的缺省连续次数。
Baseline Deviation Percentage 基线偏差百分比
SNMP Notification Options SNMP通知
SNMP Notifications SNMP通知
Threshold status messages (informs/traps) will be sent to SNMP notification receivers. This includes Alerts, Warnings and Restoration traps per default. Note: This feature requires the Cacti SNMPAgent plugin. 阈值状态消息(通知/陷阱)将被发送到SNMP通知接收器。 这包括默认情况下的警报,警告和恢复陷阱。 注意:此功能需要Cacti SNMPAgent插件。
Disable Warning Notifications 禁用警告通知