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The Threshold Type. For Baseline Types: [TIP] refers to the Time In the Past with MIN, MAX, AVG, and LAST from no more than a day in time from that period. [AOT] refers to the Average over the entire Time period. If there is a colon followed by MIN, MAX, AVG, LAST, the Value came from that Consolidation Function.
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The type of Baseline. [TIP] is the Time in Past, [AOT] is the Average over Time. Percentage Deviation is a percentage value from the historical value. Absolute Value is a deviation either above or below the Baseline over that historical value. For the [TIP] Baseline Types, the MIN, MAX, AVG, and LAST will come from no more than a one day time period at that point in time.
Ack History
Consolidation Function
The Consolidation function to use for the Baseline Type value calculation.
Force Units Suffix
If you wish to display a forced unit suffix on the various Threshold pages and Notifications, enter it here. The size is limited to no more than 10 characters.
Decimal Digits to Display
The number of decimal digits to display for Threshold and Current Values. The default is auto or 2.
Check this box if you wish Warning Notification List recipients to receive Alert Emails in addition to the Alert Notification list receivers. This case is applicable when Warning Notifications goes to Administrators and Alert Notifications go to Management.
Numeric values for High and Low Thresholds can include the following suffixes for numbers greater than 1 to 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y', and for numbers less than 1 'm', 'u', 'p', 'f'.
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