Resulting Membership:
Resultatande medlemskap:
Device Threshold Warning Membership:
Varning Medlemskap:
Device Threshold Alert Membership:
Meddelande om tröskelvarning
Click 'Continue' to Disassociate the Notification List '%s' from the Device(s) below.
Klicka på "Fortsätt" för att avbryta anmälningslistan " %s" från enheten / enheterna nedan.
You may also Disassociate the Devices Thresholds as well. However, these Device Thresholds will allow the Threshold Notification List to be overwritten.
Du kan också avskilja enhetens tröskelvärden också. Dessa enhetsgränser måste dock tillåta att Thrshold-aviseringslistan kan skrivas över.
[edit: %s]
[redigera: %s]
List General Settings
Lista Allmänna inställningar
Enter a name for this Notification List.
Ange ett namn för denna Notifieringslista.
Enter a description for this Notification List.
Ange en beskrivning för denna meddelandelista.
To disable all notifications from this Notification List, you can simply disable it here.
To Email Addresses
Enter a comma separated list of Email addresses for this Notification List.
Ange en kommaseparerad lista med e-postadresser för denna meddelandelista.
BCC Email Addresses
Enter a comma separated list of Email addresses for this Notification List to be blind copied.
Ange en kommaseparerad lista med e-postadresser för denna meddelandelista.
Email Style/Format File
Choose the custom html wrapper and CSS file to use. This file contains both html and CSS to wrap around your report. If it contains more than simply CSS, you need to place a special <REPORT> tag inside of the file. This format tag will be replaced by the report content. These files are located in the 'formats' directory.
Associated Devices
Associerade enheter