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Name (Displayed)
To disable all notifications from this Notification List, you can simply disable it here.
Name (Format)
Email Style/Format File
From %d Years Ago
Choose the custom html wrapper and CSS file to use. This file contains both html and CSS to wrap around your report. If it contains more than simply CSS, you need to place a special <REPORT> tag inside of the file. This format tag will be replaced by the report content. These files are located in the 'formats' directory.
Errors encountered while attempting to import Threshold Template data.
Notification has been Suspended. Press the Resume button to resume it
Notification has been Resumed. Press the Suspend button to suspend it
Pending Notifications have been removed from the database. Previously sent notification not purged will remain until they age out.
Event Notifications [ Notifications Suspended by User: %s, %s ago ]
0 Digits
1 Digit
Supported for Notification Lists and the Notification Queue only. If there are Down Device Notifications in a single processing cycle. Send only one Email to Notification List repipients for all Devices.