English Portuguese (Portugal)
Consider Unknown Data as Zero
The High Warning / Alert values. NOTE: Baseline values are a percent, all other values are display values that may be modified by a cdef.
The Low Warning / Alert values. NOTE: Baseline values are a percent, all other values are display values that may be modified by a cdef.
The High Warning / Alert values. NOTE: Baseline values are a percent, all other values are RAW values not modified by a cdef.
If the Thold Daemon is found to be down, send out an Email notification at this frequency.
The Low Warning / Alert values. NOTE: Baseline values are a percent, all other values are RAW values not modified by a cdef.
The file is too big.
Incomplete file transfer.
Down Host Mail
No file uploaded.
Up Host Mail
Temporary folder missing.
Failed to write file to disk
Down Host Cmd
File upload stopped by extension
Up Host Cmd
Invalid file extension.
From %d Day Ago
Check this box if you wish Warning Notification List recipients to receive Alert Emails in addition to the Alert Notification list receivers. This case is applicable when Warning Notifications goes to Administrators and Alert Notifications go to Management.
Checking this box will switch Thold from performing inline Notification to using either the Notification Daemon, or notifications performed out of band by the Notification poller.