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Unknown Template 알 수없는 템플릿
No Threshold Templates 임계 값 템플릿 없음
Lists 목록
List Name 리스트 이름
Emails 이메일
No Notification Lists 알림 목록 없음
Notification has been Suspended. Press the Resume button to resume it
Notification has been Resumed. Press the Suspend button to suspend it
Pending Notifications have been removed from the database. Previously sent notification not purged will remain until they age out.
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Notification. 다음 알림 목록을 복제하려면 '계속'을 클릭하십시오.
Delete Notification 알림 목록 삭제
Event Notifications [ Notifications Suspended by User: %s, %s ago ]
Event Notifications 불량 장치 알림
Suspend Notification Processing SNMP 알림
Resume Notification Processing SNMP 알림