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Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' Specifica la deviazione consentita in percentuale per la Soglia limite superiore. Se non è impostata, la soglia superiore non verrà controllata.
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, the lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' Specifica lo scostamento consentito in percentuale per la soglia limite inferiore. Se non è impostata, la soglia limite inferiore non verrà controllata.
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average' Specifica lo scostamento consentito in percentuale per la soglia limite inferiore. Se non è impostata, la soglia limite inferiore non verrà controllata.
Threshold Template Import data was not found to be XML data. Template Threshold Template Subordinate Data Template Not Found!
Templated Templated
An RPN Expression is an RRDtool Compatible RPN Expression. Syntax includes all functions below in addition to both Device and Data Query replacement expressions such as <span class="deviceUp">|query_ifSpeed|</span>. To use a Data Source in the RPN Expression, you must use the syntax: <span class="deviceUp">|ds:dsname|</span>. For example, <span class="deviceUp">|ds:traffic_in|</span> will get the current value of the traffic_in Data Source for the RRDfile(s) associated with the Graph. Any Data Source for a Graph can be included.<br><br>Math Operators: <span class="deviceUp">+, -, /, *, &#37;, ^</span><br>Functions: <span class="deviceUp">SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, SQRT, FLOOR, CEIL, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, ABS, EXP, LOG, ATAN, ADNAN</span><br>Flow Operators: <span class="deviceUp">UN, ISINF, IF, LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NE</span><br>Comparison Functions: <span class="deviceUp">MAX, MIN, INF, NEGINF, NAN, UNKN, COUNT, PREV</span>%s %s Un'espressione RPN è un'espressione RRDtool compatibile con RPN. La sintassi include tutte le funzioni riportate di seguito, oltre alle espressioni sostitutive di Device e Data Query come <span class="deviceUp">|query_ifSpeed|</span>. Per utilizzare una Data Source nella RPN Expression, è necessario utilizzare la sintassi: <span class="deviceUp">||ds:dsname|</span>. Ad esempio, <span class="deviceUp">||ds:traffic_in|</span> otterrà il valore corrente della sorgente dati traffic_in per i file RRDfile(i) associati al grafico. Qualsiasi origine dati per un grafico può essere inclusa.<br><br><br>Operatori matematici: <span class="deviceUp">+, -, -, /, *, &#37;, ^</span><br>Funzioni: <span class="deviceUp">SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, ATAN, SQRT, FLOOR, CEIL, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, ABS, EXP, LOG, ATAN, ADNAN</span><br>Produttori di flusso: <span class="deviceUp">UN, ISINF, IF, LT, LE, GT, GT, GE, EQ, NE</span><br>Funzioni di confronto: <span class="deviceUp">MAX, MIN, MIN, INF, NEGINF, NAN, UNKN, COUNT, PREV</span>%s%s %s
An RPN Expression is an RRDtool Compatible RPN Expression. Syntax includes all functions below in addition to both Device and Data Query replacement expressions such as <span style="color:blue;">|query_ifSpeed|</span>. To use a Data Source in the RPN Expression, you must use the syntax: <span style="color:blue;">|ds:dsname|</span>. For example, <span style="color:blue;">|ds:traffic_in|</span> will get the current value of the traffic_in Data Source for the RRDfile(s) associated with the Graph. Any Data Source for a Graph can be included.<br>Math Operators: <span style="color:blue;">+, -, /, *, &#37;, ^</span><br>Functions: <span style="color:blue;">SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, SQRT, FLOOR, CEIL, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, ABS, EXP, LOG, ATAN, ADNAN</span><br>Flow Operators: <span style="color:blue;">UN, ISINF, IF, LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NE</span><br>Comparison Functions: <span style="color:blue;">MAX, MIN, INF, NEGINF, NAN, UNKN, COUNT, PREV</span>%s %s Un'espressione RPN è un'espressione RRDtool compatibile con RPN. La sintassi include tutte le funzioni riportate di seguito, oltre alle espressioni sostitutive di Device e Data Query come <span style="color:blue;">|query_ifSpeed|</span>. Per utilizzare una Data Source nella RPN Expression, è necessario utilizzare la sintassi: <span style="colore:blu;">||ds:dsname|</span>. Ad esempio, <span style="color:blue;">||ds:traffic_in|</span> otterrà il valore corrente della sorgente dati traffic_in per i file RRDD associati al grafico. È possibile includere qualsiasi origine dati per un grafico.<br>Operatori matematici: <span style="color:blue;">+, -, -, /, *, &#37;, ^</span><br>Funzioni: <span style="color:blue;">SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, ATAN, SQRT, FLOOR, CEIL, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, ABS, EXP, LOG, ATAN, ADNAN</span><br>Flow Operators: <span style="color:blue;">UN, ISINF, IF, LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NE</span><br>Funzioni di confronto: <span style="colore:blu;">MAX, MIN, MIN, INF, NEGINF, NAN, UNKN, COUNT, PREV</span>%s%s %s
Abs Val [TIP:%s] Valore di allarme
Abs Val [AOT:%s] Valore di allarme
The Threshold will restart generating Alerts. Valori di soglia elevati per Avviso / Allarme
WLo: WLo: