English Hindi
If checked, when creating at Threshold Template, its Notification Settings will, by default be owned by the Threshold Template.
When checking Thresholds, if a Data Source returns Unknown Data ('U'), consider the value as zero for the Threshold check. You can also enable log this issue.
Upper data source to use to calculate the total value.
Log action Consider Unknown Data as Zero
When 'Consider Unknown Data as Zero' is enabled, log when it occurs
Consider Unknown Data as Zero
The name of the object as defined by the caller.
The High Warning / Alert values. NOTE: Baseline values are a percent, all other values are display values that may be modified by a cdef.
External ID
The Low Warning / Alert values. NOTE: Baseline values are a percent, all other values are display values that may be modified by a cdef.
Object ID
The Object ID defined by the caller. Generally its unique 'id'.
Event Time
Has the Notification Event been processed.
Did this notification result in an error. Hover on the error column for details.
Impossible threshold: The Alert Trigger Count must be greater or eval to 1!
The time in seconds it took to process the event.